Git Notes

Introduction to Version Control 🇺🇸

Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes in your code over time, revert to previous versions if necessary, and collaborate with others on projects. There are several reasons why learning Git can be beneficial...

Create Repository 🇺🇸

Git is a robust and feature-rich version control system (VCS) created by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux. A VCS is a software tool that helps software developers manage changes to source code over time. It assists developers in tracking different versions of their code, enabling them to revert ...

Making Changes 🇺🇸

At the core of Git are a few fundamental actions: staging changes, committing those changes, and, when necessary, undoing certain actions. These notes provide a clear overview of these basic operations and some common scenarios where they are used...

Working with Branches 🇺🇸

Git branches are an essential tool for managing different versions of your codebase and for collaborating with others. In this section, we'll cover the basics of Git branches and how to use them effectively...

Head 🇺🇸

HEAD is a special pointer in Git, which refers to the currently checked-out snapshot of your project. This could be a particular commit, a branch, or a tag. It serves as a kind of "you are here" marker, indicating what part of the project history you're currently looking at or working with. When you...

Tags 🇺🇸

Tags are references to specific points in Git history. They can be used to mark important milestones, such as releases, and provide a way to refer to specific commits in a repository...

Stashing Files 🇺🇸

In Git terminology, "stashing" refers to temporarily saving changes that are not ready to be committed. This allows you to switch branches or make other changes without losing your work...

Observing Repository 🇺🇸

Git's powerful suite of commands offers an insightful look into your codebase's progression. By probing changes, tracking progress, identifying anomalies, and fostering effective collaboration becomes easier...

Synchronization 🇺🇸

When collaborating on a project, it's essential to keep your local repository updated with changes made by others in the team. Git provides powerful commands to facilitate this process...

Squashing Commits 🇺🇸

In the world of Git, the iterative development process often results in multiple commits for minor changes. But before merging changes to a primary branch, it's valuable to have a clean, linear history. This is where the concept of "squashing" steps in...

Archive 🇺🇸

Git archive is a powerful command that allows you to create compressed archives of your Git repository. These archives can be in one of several formats, including tar, gzip, and zip. Git archive is particularly useful when you want to create a snapshot of your repository at a specific point in time...

Git Server 🇺🇸

Creating your own Git server offers increased control, enhanced security, and a tailor-made environment for your repositories. It's a great alternative to relying on services like GitHub or GitLab, especially for personal projects or within an organization. Here's an expanded guide to set up a Git s...

Points of Confusion 🇺🇸

While Git stands as a crucial tool in modern software development, its complexity can sometimes be a barrier. Here are common points of criticism and confusion...

Branching Strategies 🇺🇸

Choosing the most effective methodology for creating and merging branches in a Git repository can significantly impact your development workflow. The right branching strategy often depends on several variables, such as organizational structure, project size and complexity, as well as the team's pref...

Mono and Multi Repo 🇺🇸

A monorepo is a single repository that contains all the code for a project, including multiple applications, libraries, and other dependencies. Monorepos are more suitable for large, monolithic projects where there is a need for close collaboration and frequent code reuse...