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Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms

Data structures and algorithms are foundational concepts in computer science, playing an essential role in designing efficient software. A data structure defines how we store and organize data on a computer, while an algorithm delineates a step-by-step procedure to perform a task or solve a problem. This article introduces the fundamental aspects of data structures and algorithms, their importance, and how they are applied in computing.

Data Structures

A data structure organizes data on a computer in a manner that enables efficient access and modification. The choice of the appropriate data structure depends on the specific use case and can significantly impact the performance of an application. Here are some common data structures:



Algorithms are procedural instructions to solve specific problems or perform tasks. They are ubiquitous in disciplines like computer science, mathematics, and engineering. The efficiency of an algorithm is often evaluated based on its time complexity and space complexity.

An algorithm is akin to a recipe; it consists of a series of steps that are executed to achieve a certain outcome. Characteristics of a good algorithm include:

Algorithms vs. Programs

An algorithm can be considered a high-level blueprint for solving a specific problem, while a program is the implementation of that blueprint using a particular programming language. Understanding the difference between an algorithm and a program is vital.

An algorithm is abstract, language-independent, and details a sequence of steps without any particular syntax. It outlines a method for solving a problem and can be represented in many ways – even as a flowchart. For instance, let's consider an algorithm for adding two numbers:

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables num1, num2, and sum.
Step 3: Read values into num1 and num2.
Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and store the result in sum.
Step 5: Print sum
Step 6: Stop

As a flowchart, this algorithm can be visually depicted as:

ASCII representation of the flowchart:

|  Start            |
|  Declare num1, num2, sum  |
|  Read num1 and num2  |
|  sum = num1 + num2  |
|  Print sum         |
|  Stop              |

In contrast, a program is a concrete, language-dependent implementation of an algorithm. It must follow the syntax rules of the chosen language. For instance, the above algorithm can be implemented in Python as:

num1 = int(input("Enter first number: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter second number: "))
sum = num1 + num2
print("The sum is", sum)

It's important to note that unlike algorithms, which must always terminate, some programs are designed to run indefinitely until interrupted by an external action. For instance, an operating system is a program that runs in a continuous loop until the computer is turned off.

Types of Algorithms

Algorithms can be classified into several types based on their problem domain and the strategy they adopt for problem-solving. Here are some common categories:

Example: Bubble Sort
Initial Array: [5, 3, 8, 4, 2]

After 1st Pass: [3, 5, 4, 2, 8]
After 2nd Pass: [3, 4, 2, 5, 8]
After 3rd Pass: [3, 2, 4, 5, 8]
After 4th Pass: [2, 3, 4, 5, 8] (Sorted)

Example: Binary Search
Searching 33 in Sorted Array: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 33, 45, 77, 89]

Mid element at start: 9
33 > 9, so discard left half
New mid element: 45
33 < 45, so discard right half
New mid element: 11
33 > 11, so discard left half
The remaining element is 33, which is the target

Example: Pattern Matching (Boyer-Moore)
Pattern: "ABABCABAB"

Pattern matched starting at index 10 in the text.

Essential Algorithms for Software Engineers

Understanding Algorithmic Complexity

Algorithmic complexity refers to the computational resources (time or space) an algorithm requires as the input size increases. Various types of complexity are considered when analyzing an algorithm:

By understanding these different types of complexities, you can make informed decisions about the right algorithms to use for your specific software development tasks and effectively optimize the efficiency of your programs.

Analyzing Algorithm Growth Rates

Understanding how the running time or space complexity of an algorithm scales with increasing input size is pivotal in algorithm analysis. To describe this rate of growth, we employ several mathematical notations that offer insights into the algorithm's efficiency under different conditions.

Big O Notation (O-notation)

The Big O notation represents an asymptotic upper bound, indicating the worst-case scenario for an algorithm's time or space complexity. Essentially, it signifies an upper limit on the growth of a function.

If we designate $f(n)$ as the actual complexity and $g(n)$ as the function in Big O notation, stating $f(n) = O(g(n))$ implies that $f(n)$, the time or space complexity of the algorithm, grows no faster than $g(n)$.

For instance, if an algorithm has a time complexity of $O(n)$, it signifies that the algorithm's running time does not grow more rapidly than a linear function of the input size, in the worst-case scenario.

Big Omega Notation (Ω-notation)

The Big Omega notation provides an asymptotic lower bound that expresses the best-case scenario for the time or space complexity of an algorithm.

If $f(n) = Ω(g(n))$, this means that $f(n)$ grows at a rate that is at least as fast as $g(n)$. In other words, $f(n)$ does not grow slower than $g(n)$.

For example, if an algorithm has a time complexity of $Ω(n)$, it implies that the running time is at the bare minimum proportional to the input size in the best-case scenario.

Theta Notation (Θ-notation)

Theta notation offers a representation of the average-case scenario for an algorithm's time or space complexity. It sets an asymptotically tight bound, implying that the function grows neither more rapidly nor slower than the bound.

Stating $f(n) = Θ(g(n))$ signifies that $f(n)$ grows at the same rate as $g(n)$ under average circumstances. This indicates the time or space complexity is both at most and at least a linear function of the input size.

Remember, these notations primarily address the growth rate as the input size becomes significantly large. While they offer a high-level comprehension of an algorithm's performance, the actual running time in practice can differ based on various factors, such as the specific input data, the hardware or environment where the algorithm is operating, and the precise way the algorithm is implemented in the code.

Diving into Big O Notation Examples

Big O notation is a practical tool for comparing the worst-case scenario of algorithm complexities. Here are examples of various complexities:

The graph below illustrates the growth of these different time complexities:


The choice of an algorithm significantly impacts the application's performance, making the understanding of time complexity crucial.

Interpreting Big O Notation: Key Rules

  1. Neglect Constant Factors: In Big O notation, we are interested in the rate of growth, not the exact number of operations. Therefore, constant factors are typically ignored. For example, the function $5n$ is represented as $O(n)$, discarding the constant factor of 5.

  2. Omit Smaller Terms: For functions with multiple terms, only the term with the fastest growth rate is considered significant. If an algorithm's running time is $n^2 + n$, its time complexity would be $O(n^2)$, as $n^2$ grows faster than $n$.

  3. Consider Upper Bounds: Big O notation defines an upper limit on the growth rate of a function. If an algorithm has a time complexity of $O(n)$, it can also be described as $O(n^2)$, $O(n^3)$, and so on. But, it does not mean that an algorithm with $O(n^2)$ complexity is also $O(n)$, because Big O notation does not provide a lower bound on growth.

  4. $n$ and $log n$ Dominate Constants: In Big O notation, terms that grow at least as fast as $n$ or $log n$ are dominant over constant terms. For instance, in the complexity $O(n + k)$, the $n$ term is dominant, resulting in a simplified complexity of $O(n)$.

Can every problem have an O(1) algorithm?

When do algorithms have O(logn) or O(nlogn) complexity?

The exact time complexity of an algorithm usually stems from how the size of the input affects the execution flow of the algorithm—particularly the loop iterations.

Consider four example algorithms with differing complexities:

  1. First Algorithm ($O(n)$): Here, the running time is directly proportional to the input size ($n$), as each loop iteration reduces $n$ by 1. Hence, the number of iterations equals the initial value of $n$.

WHILE n > 0:
    n = n - 1

  1. Second Algorithm ($O(log(n))$): In this case, the running time is proportional to the number of times the loop can iterate before $n$ reduces to 0. Each loop iteration halves the value of $n$. This equals the number of times you can halve $n$ before it becomes 0, which also corresponds to $log(n)$.

WHILE n > 0:
   n = n / 2

  1. Third Algorithm ($O(nlog(n))$): Here, the outer loop iterates $n$ times, and the inner loop iterates $log(n)$ times for each outer loop iteration. Hence, the total number of iterations is $n * log(n)$.

m = n
WHILE m > 0:
   k = n
   WHILE k > 0:
      k = k / 2
   m = m - 1

  1. Fourth Algorithm ($O(log^2(n))$): In this scenario, the outer loop iterates $log(n)$ times, and the inner loop also iterates $log(n)$ times for each outer loop iteration. Consequently, the total number of iterations equals $log^2(n)$.

m = n
WHILE m > 0:
   k = n
   WHILE k > 0:
      k = k / 2
   m = m / 2


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms
  2. Data Structures
  3. Algorithms
    1. Algorithms vs. Programs
    2. Types of Algorithms
  4. Essential Algorithms for Software Engineers
  5. Understanding Algorithmic Complexity
    1. Analyzing Algorithm Growth Rates
      1. Big O Notation (O-notation)
      2. Big Omega Notation (Ω-notation)
      3. Theta Notation (Θ-notation)
    2. Diving into Big O Notation Examples
    3. Interpreting Big O Notation: Key Rules
    4. Can every problem have an O(1) algorithm?
    5. When do algorithms have O(logn) or O(nlogn) complexity?
    6. Misconceptions