Last modified: August 27, 2022

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Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Data Manipulation Language, or DML for short, is like the practical toolkit for interacting with the data stored in your database. If you think of a database as a filing cabinet full of information, DML provides the commands to add new files, update existing ones, retrieve information, and remove files you no longer need. These operations are essential for managing the day-to-day data needs of any application or system that relies on a database.

The Core DML Statements

There are four fundamental DML commands that you'll use to manipulate data:

Let's explore each of these commands in detail, with examples that illustrate how they work and how you might use them in real-world scenarios.

Retrieving Data with SELECT

The SELECT statement is perhaps the most commonly used SQL command. It allows you to query data from tables or views, specifying exactly what information you want to retrieve.

Imagine you have the following employees and departments tables in your database:


employee_id first_name last_name date_of_birth department_id
1 John Doe 1990-01-01 1
2 Jane Smith 1985-05-15 1
3 Alice Johnson 1992-07-30 2


department_id department_name
1 Sales
2 Marketing

Suppose you want to retrieve a list of employees along with their department names, sorted by their last names. You can write the following SQL query:

SELECT employees.first_name, employees.last_name, departments.department_name
FROM employees
JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = departments.department_id
ORDER BY employees.last_name;

What's Happening Here:

Resulting Data:

first_name last_name department_name
John Doe Sales
Alice Johnson Marketing
Jane Smith Sales

Interpreting the Output:

This example demonstrates how SELECT can be used to retrieve and organize data from multiple tables.

Adding New Records with INSERT

The INSERT statement allows you to add new rows to a table. This is useful when new data needs to be recorded, such as when a new employee is hired.

Let's say a new employee named Bob Brown joins the Marketing department. Here's how you can insert his information into the employees table:

INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, department_id)
VALUES (4, 'Bob', 'Brown', '1988-03-20', 2);

Understanding the Command:

Updated employees Table:

employee_id first_name last_name date_of_birth department_id
1 John Doe 1990-01-01 1
2 Jane Smith 1985-05-15 1
3 Alice Johnson 1992-07-30 2
4 Bob Brown 1988-03-20 2

What This Means:

Modifying Existing Data with UPDATE

Data can change over time, and the UPDATE statement allows you to modify existing records. For example, if an employee changes departments, you'll need to update their department_id.

Suppose John Doe transfers from the Sales department (department_id 1) to the Marketing department (department_id 2). Here's how you can update his record:

UPDATE employees
SET department_id = 2
WHERE employee_id = 1;

Breaking It Down:

Updated employees Table:

employee_id first_name last_name date_of_birth department_id
1 John Doe 1990-01-01 2
2 Jane Smith 1985-05-15 1
3 Alice Johnson 1992-07-30 2
4 Bob Brown 1988-03-20 2

Result of the Update:

Removing Records with DELETE

When data is no longer needed, the DELETE statement allows you to remove records from a table.

Imagine that Alice Johnson has left the company, and you need to delete her record from the employees table:

DELETE FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 3;


Updated employees Table:

employee_id first_name last_name date_of_birth department_id
1 John Doe 1990-01-01 2
2 Jane Smith 1985-05-15 1
4 Bob Brown 1988-03-20 2


Enhancing Queries with Built-in Functions

SQL provides a variety of built-in functions that allow you to perform calculations, transform data, and aggregate results. These functions can be categorized as row functions, group functions, and conversion functions.

Row Functions

Row functions operate on individual rows, allowing you to manipulate data at a granular level. For example, you might want to convert text to lowercase for consistency.

Example: Converting Last Names to Lowercase

SELECT LOWER(last_name) AS lower_last_name
FROM employees;




Group Functions

Group functions perform calculations on sets of rows, often used with the GROUP BY clause to aggregate data.

Example: Counting Employees per Department

SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS num_employees
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;


department_id num_employees
1 1
2 2


Conversion Functions

Conversion functions change the data type of a value, which can be useful when combining different types of data.

Example: Combining Text and Dates

Suppose you want to create a sentence that includes an employee's last name and date of birth:

SELECT last_name || ' was born on ' || TO_CHAR(date_of_birth, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS info
FROM employees;


Doe was born on 1990-01-01
Smith was born on 1985-05-15
Brown was born on 1988-03-20


Conditional Expressions

Conditional expressions like CASE allow you to apply logic within your queries.

Example: Displaying Department Names

SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name,
       CASE department_id
           WHEN 1 THEN 'Sales'
           WHEN 2 THEN 'Marketing'
           ELSE 'Unknown'
       END AS department_name
FROM employees;


employee_id first_name last_name department_name
1 John Doe Marketing
2 Jane Smith Sales
4 Bob Brown Marketing


Practical Tips for Using DML Commands

When working with DML, it's important to use best practices to ensure data integrity and optimal performance.

Transactions in DML

Transactions are a crucial concept in database operations, ensuring that a series of DML statements are executed as a single unit of work.

Example: Transferring an Employee Between Departments

Suppose you need to transfer Bob Brown back to the Sales department and log this change:


UPDATE employees
SET department_id = 1
WHERE employee_id = 4;

INSERT INTO department_transfers (employee_id, from_department_id, to_department_id, transfer_date)



If any statement fails, you can roll back the entire transaction:



Table of Contents

    Data Manipulation Language (DML)
    1. The Core DML Statements
    2. Retrieving Data with SELECT
    3. Adding New Records with INSERT
    4. Modifying Existing Data with UPDATE
    5. Removing Records with DELETE
    6. Enhancing Queries with Built-in Functions
      1. Row Functions
      2. Group Functions
      3. Conversion Functions
      4. Conditional Expressions
    7. Practical Tips for Using DML Commands
    8. Transactions in DML