Last modified: August 04, 2024

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Aggregate Functions in SQL

Aggregate functions in SQL are powerful tools that allow you to perform calculations on a set of values to return a single scalar value. They are commonly used with the GROUP BY clause to group rows that share a common attribute and then perform calculations on each group. Aggregate functions are essential for data analysis, reporting, and generating insights from your data.

After reading the material, you should be able to answer the following questions:

  1. What are aggregate functions in SQL, and how are they typically used with the GROUP BY clause?
  2. How does the COUNT function work, and what is the difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(column)?
  3. In what scenarios would you use the SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX functions, and how do they operate on data?
  4. What is the purpose of the HAVING clause, and how does it differ from the WHERE clause when filtering aggregated data?
  5. How do window functions differ from aggregate functions, and what are some practical applications of window functions in SQL?

Common Aggregate Functions

Here are the most commonly used aggregate functions in SQL:

Setting Up Example Tables

Suppose we have two tables: Employees and Departments.

Employees Table

EmployeeID FirstName LastName DepartmentID Salary
1 John Doe 1 60000
2 Jane Smith 1 65000
3 Mike Johnson 2 70000
4 Emily Davis 2 72000
5 David Wilson 3 55000

Departments Table

DepartmentID DepartmentName
1 Human Resources
2 Engineering
3 Marketing

COUNT Function

The COUNT function returns the number of rows that match a specified condition.

Example: Counting Total Employees

SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalEmployees
FROM Employees;



Example: Counting Employees per Department

SELECT DepartmentID, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfEmployees
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DepartmentID;


DepartmentID NumberOfEmployees
1 2
2 2
3 1

SUM Function

The SUM function adds up all the values in a numeric column.

Example: Calculating Total Salary Expenditure

SELECT SUM(Salary) AS TotalSalary
FROM Employees;



Example: Calculating Total Salary per Department

SELECT DepartmentID, SUM(Salary) AS TotalSalary
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DepartmentID;


DepartmentID TotalSalary
1 125000
2 142000
3 55000

The SUM(Salary) function calculates the total salary for each department.

AVG Function

The AVG function calculates the average value of a numeric column.

Example: Calculating Average Salary

SELECT AVG(Salary) AS AverageSalary
FROM Employees;



Example: Calculating Average Salary per Department

SELECT DepartmentID, AVG(Salary) AS AverageSalary
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DepartmentID;


DepartmentID AverageSalary
1 62500
2 71000
3 55000

The AVG(Salary) function computes the average salary for each department.

MIN and MAX Functions

The MIN and MAX functions return the smallest and largest values in a set, respectively.

Example: Finding Minimum and Maximum Salaries

SELECT MIN(Salary) AS MinimumSalary, MAX(Salary) AS MaximumSalary
FROM Employees;


MinimumSalary MaximumSalary
55000 72000

Example: Finding Minimum and Maximum Salaries per Department

SELECT DepartmentID, MIN(Salary) AS MinimumSalary, MAX(Salary) AS MaximumSalary
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DepartmentID;


DepartmentID MinimumSalary MaximumSalary
1 60000 65000
2 70000 72000
3 55000 55000

The MIN(Salary) and MAX(Salary) functions find the lowest and highest salaries in each department.


The GROUP BY clause is used with aggregate functions to group the result set by one or more columns.

Example: Counting Employees by Department Name

To make the results more readable, let's join the Employees and Departments tables.

SELECT d.DepartmentName, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfEmployees
FROM Employees e
JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
GROUP BY d.DepartmentName;


DepartmentName NumberOfEmployees
Human Resources 2
Engineering 2
Marketing 1


The HAVING clause is used to filter groups based on a condition, similar to how the WHERE clause filters rows.

Example: Departments with More Than One Employee

SELECT DepartmentID, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfEmployees
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DepartmentID


DepartmentID NumberOfEmployees
1 2
2 2

The HAVING clause filters groups where the count of employees is greater than one.

Combining Aggregate Functions

You can use multiple aggregate functions in a single query to get comprehensive insights.

Example: Employee Statistics per Department

    COUNT(*) AS NumberOfEmployees,
    MIN(e.Salary) AS MinimumSalary,
    MAX(e.Salary) AS MaximumSalary,
    AVG(e.Salary) AS AverageSalary,
    SUM(e.Salary) AS TotalSalary
FROM Employees e
JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
GROUP BY d.DepartmentName;


DepartmentName NumberOfEmployees MinimumSalary MaximumSalary AverageSalary TotalSalary
Human Resources 2 60000 65000 62500 125000
Engineering 2 70000 72000 71000 142000
Marketing 1 55000 55000 55000 55000

The query provides a comprehensive overview of salary statistics for each department.

Dealing with NULL Values

Aggregate functions generally ignore NULL values except for the COUNT(*) function.

Example: Impact of NULL on Aggregate Functions

Suppose we have an additional employee with a NULL salary.

Updated Employees Table

EmployeeID FirstName LastName DepartmentID Salary
6 Susan Miller 1 NULL

Query: Calculating Average Salary with NULL Values

SELECT DepartmentID, AVG(Salary) AS AverageSalary
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DepartmentID;


DepartmentID AverageSalary
1 62500
2 71000
3 55000

Using DISTINCT with Aggregate Functions

The DISTINCT keyword can be used inside aggregate functions to consider only unique values.

Example: Counting Unique Salaries

FROM Employees;



The COUNT(DISTINCT Salary) function counts the number of unique salary values, excluding NULL.

Aggregate Functions with Subqueries

Aggregate functions can be used in subqueries to compare individual rows to aggregate values.

Example: Employees Earning Above Average Salary

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary
FROM Employees
WHERE Salary > (
    SELECT AVG(Salary)
    FROM Employees


FirstName LastName Salary
Mike Johnson 70000
Emily Davis 72000

Window Functions (Analytic Functions)

In addition to aggregate functions, SQL supports window functions that perform calculations across a set of rows related to the current row.

Example: Calculating Running Total of Salaries

    SUM(Salary) OVER (ORDER BY EmployeeID) AS RunningTotal
FROM Employees;


EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RunningTotal
1 John Doe 60000 60000
2 Jane Smith 65000 125000
3 Mike Johnson 70000 195000
4 Emily Davis 72000 267000
5 David Wilson 55000 322000
6 Susan Miller NULL NULL

Practical Tips for Using Aggregate Functions

Table of Contents

    Aggregate Functions in SQL
    1. Common Aggregate Functions
    2. Setting Up Example Tables
    3. COUNT Function
      1. Example: Counting Total Employees
      2. Example: Counting Employees per Department
    4. SUM Function
      1. Example: Calculating Total Salary Expenditure
      2. Example: Calculating Total Salary per Department
    5. AVG Function
      1. Example: Calculating Average Salary
      2. Example: Calculating Average Salary per Department
    6. MIN and MAX Functions
      1. Example: Finding Minimum and Maximum Salaries
      2. Example: Finding Minimum and Maximum Salaries per Department
    7. GROUP BY Clause
      1. Example: Counting Employees by Department Name
    8. HAVING Clause
      1. Example: Departments with More Than One Employee
    9. Combining Aggregate Functions
      1. Example: Employee Statistics per Department
    10. Dealing with NULL Values
      1. Example: Impact of NULL on Aggregate Functions
      2. Query: Calculating Average Salary with NULL Values
    11. Using DISTINCT with Aggregate Functions
      1. Example: Counting Unique Salaries
    12. Aggregate Functions with Subqueries
      1. Example: Employees Earning Above Average Salary
    13. Window Functions (Analytic Functions)
      1. Example: Calculating Running Total of Salaries
    14. Practical Tips for Using Aggregate Functions