Last modified: September 16, 2024

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Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics offer a summary of the main characteristics of a dataset or sample. They facilitate the understanding and interpretation of data by providing measures of central tendency, dispersion, and shape. In this section, we will discuss the essential concepts and measures in descriptive statistics.

Frequencies and Frequency Tables

$$\text{Relative Frequency} = \frac{\text{Frequency}}{\text{Total Observations}}$$

$$\text{Cumulative Relative Frequency} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \text{Relative Frequency}_i$$

Be careful cumulative frequencies don't make sense when the data doesn't have natural order!

Example: List of People and Their Sibling Count

Consider a dataset of people and their corresponding number of siblings:

  1. Alice - 2 siblings
  2. Bob - 0 siblings
  3. Charlie - 1 sibling
  4. Dana - 3 siblings
  5. Elliot - 1 sibling
  6. Fatima - 2 siblings
  7. George - 0 siblings
  8. Hina - 4 siblings
  9. Ivan - 1 sibling
  10. Julia - 2 siblings

This dataset can be organized into a frequency distribution table based on the number of siblings:

Number of Siblings Frequency Relative Frequency Cumulative Relative Frequency
0 2 20% 20%
1 3 30% 50%
2 3 30% 80%
3 1 10% 90%
4 1 10% 100%


$$ \text{Relative Frequency} = \frac{\text{Frequency}}{\text{Total Number of People}} \times 100 $$

In this case, the total number of people is 10. So, for 0 siblings, the relative frequency is $\frac{2}{10} \times 100 = 20\% $.

Continuous data

Continuous data can take any value within a range, making it impractical to calculate frequency for each exact number. For example, consider measuring the heights of a group of people. Heights can vary infinitely within a range (e.g., 170.1 cm, 170.2 cm, 170.25 cm), making it unfeasible to have a frequency for each distinct measurement.

Instead, we group continuous data into intervals or ranges and then calculate frequencies for these intervals. This approach simplifies the data and makes it more interpretable.

Example: Height Measurements of a Group of People

I. Raw Data (Continuous):

Consider the following raw height measurements (in centimeters) of a group of people:

$$ [170.2, 165.5, 172.3, 168.7, 171.6, 167.4, 169.5, 174.2, 166.1, 173.5] $$

II. Grouping the Data into Intervals:

Since the data consists of continuous measurements, it is often useful to group the data into intervals (or "bins") to analyze it more easily. Here, the height data has been grouped into the following intervals (ranges in cm):

III. Frequency Distribution Table:

Based on the grouped data, the frequency distribution table is constructed as follows:

Height Range (cm) Frequency
165 - 167 2
168 - 170 3
171 - 173 3
174 - 176 2


The histogram below visually represents the frequency distribution of the grouped height data. The horizontal axis represents the height ranges (in cm), while the vertical axis represents the frequency, i.e., the number of people whose heights fall within each range.


This histogram shows a roughly uniform distribution across the ranges, with slightly more people having heights in the middle ranges (168-173 cm). The plot helps to quickly identify how the data is distributed among different height groups and highlights that the majority of people fall within the middle two ranges (168-173 cm).

Measures of Central Tendency

Measures of central tendency provide an idea of the average or central value of the dataset.

$$\mu_{X} = \frac{1}{n} \sum x$$

$$\mu_{X} = \frac{\sum w_ix_i}{\sum w_i}$$

$$\text{mean} =\sqrt[n]{a_{1}a_{2}...a_{n}}$$


Measures of central tendency help us identify the middle value in a dataset. Let's consider a dataset representing the number of sales per day for a store during a week:

Day Sales
Monday 17
Tuesday 21
Wednesday 17
Thursday 35
Friday 23
Saturday 14
Sunday 24

We can use different measures to determine the central value: mean, median, and mode.


The mean (or average) is the sum of all values divided by the number of values. In this example:

$$ \text{Mean} = \frac{17 + 21 + 17 + 35 + 23 + 14 + 24}{7} \approx 21.57 $$


The median is the middle value in the sorted dataset. For our example, after sorting:


The median value is 21.


The mode is the most frequently occurring value. In our example, the mode is 17, as it occurs twice:


Each measure of central tendency can provide different insights into the dataset. In this example, the mean is slightly affected by the larger sales number on Thursday, while the median and mode give a more typical representation of the central value.


Choosing Between Mean and Median

Example 1: Evaluating Salaries in a Tech Company

Alice is researching salaries of graphic designers at a well-known tech firm. The company has several top-level designers whose salaries are substantially higher than the rest. To get a realistic expectation of her potential earnings, should Alice consider the mean or the median salary?

Answer: The median salary would be more indicative of what Alice might earn. It diminishes the impact of the exceptionally high salaries of a few top-level designers, presenting a more typical salary level for a graphic designer at that company.

Example 2: Reporting Average Customer Spending in a Bookstore

Tom, managing a small bookstore, needs to report the average spending per customer. While most customers spend about $20, occasionally there are significant purchases of over $500. For an accurate report of average spending, should Tom use the mean or the median?

Answer: Tom should use the median for his report. The infrequent, high-value transactions are outliers that would disproportionately inflate the mean, creating a misleading impression of the typical customer spending. The median, less affected by these outliers, would provide a more accurate reflection of regular customer expenditures.

Measures of Dispersion

Dispersion measures indicate the spread or variability of the data in the dataset. - The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a dataset, providing a basic measure of spread.

$$V = \frac{\sum (x_i - \overline{x})^2}{N-1}$$ (for a sample)

$$V = \frac{\sum (x_i - \overline{x})^2}{N}$$ (for a population)

$$\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\sum (x_i - \overline{x})^2}{N-1}}$$ (for a sample)

$$\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\sum (x_i - \overline{x})^2}{N}}$$ (for a population)

Example: Comparing Athletic Performances

Consider that Chloe swam the 100m freestyle in 53 seconds at a regional competition, and Liam completed a marathon in 2 hours and 55 minutes at a city event. Who performed more exceptionally compared to typical results?

Given Data:

I. For the 100m freestyle:

II. For the marathon:


I. Chloe's Performance:

$$ \text{Number of SDs} = \frac{60 - 53}{4} = 1.75 $$

II. Liam's Performance:

$$ \text{Number of SDs} = \frac{240 - 175}{30} = 2.17 $$

Understanding Variance

Variance is an intrinsic aspect of the universe. Obtaining identical results after repeated observations of the same event is impossible due to random noise or error. Variance can be attributed to sampling or measurement errors. In some cases, variance results from the random fluctuations of the universe.


Measures of dispersion help us understand the spread or variability of data in a dataset. Continuing with the store sales dataset:

Day Sales
Monday 17
Tuesday 21
Wednesday 17
Thursday 35
Friday 23
Saturday 14
Sunday 24

We can use different measures to determine the dispersion: range, variance, and standard deviation.


The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the dataset. In this example:

$$ \text{Range} = 35 - 14 = 21 $$


Variance measures the average squared difference of each value from the mean. For our example, first, we need to calculate the mean:

$$ \text{Mean} \approx 21.57 $$

Now, we can calculate the variance:

$$ \text{Variance} = \frac{(17 - 21.57)^2 + (21 - 21.57)^2 + (17 - 21.57)^2 + (35 - 21.57)^2 + (23 - 21.57)^2 + (14 - 21.57)^2 + (24 - 21.57)^2}{7} \approx 47.39 $$

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. In our example:

$$ \text{Standard Deviation} = \sqrt{47.39} \approx 6.88 $$

Each measure of dispersion provides different information about the spread of the dataset. The range gives us an overall view of the spread, but it can be influenced by extreme values. The variance and standard deviation give a more detailed representation of the dispersion and are less sensitive to outliers.


Percentiles and Quartiles

Percentiles and quartiles provide a way to understand the distribution of values in a dataset, going beyond the range. The range is not always helpful, as it doesn't give much information about how values are distributed around the mean or about the comparative position of an individual value within the distribution.


A percentile tells us where a given value is ranked in the overall distribution. For example, 25% of the data in a distribution has a value lower than the 25th percentile; 75% of the data has a value lower than the 75th percentile, and so on. The 50th percentile is also the median.

To calculate the percentile for a given value, use the following equation:

$$ \frac{\text{Number of values less than the given value}}{\text{Total number of values}} \times 100 $$

Example: Exam Scores

Consider a dataset of exam scores $S = [40, 30, 15, 24, 20, 22, 35]$. We aim to calculate the 30th percentile of this dataset.

Step 1: Sort the Dataset

First, sort the dataset $S$ in ascending order:

$$ S_{sorted} = [15, 20, 22, 24, 30, 35, 40] $$

The dataset contains $n = 7$ elements.

Step 2: Calculate the Rank Index for the 30th Percentile

To find the position $i_P$ corresponding to the $P$-th percentile, we use the formula:

$$ i_P = \frac{P \times (n + 1)}{100} $$

where $P = 30$ (the desired percentile) and $n = 7$ (the number of data points).

Substituting in the values:

$$ i_{30} = \frac{30 \times (7 + 1)}{100} = \frac{240}{100} = 2.4 $$

Since $i_{30} = 2.4$, the position is not an integer. This means the 30th percentile lies between the 2nd and 3rd values in the sorted dataset, requiring interpolation.

Step 3: Interpolation

To perform interpolation, let:

Now apply linear interpolation using the formula:

$$ \text{Interpolated value} = (1 - r) \times S_{sorted}[\lfloor i_P \rfloor] + r \times S_{sorted}[\lceil i_P \rceil] $$

Substitute the values:

$$ \text{Interpolated value} = (1 - 0.4) \times 20 + 0.4 \times 22 $$

$$ = 0.6 \times 20 + 0.4 \times 22 = 12 + 8.8 = 20.8 $$



Quartiles divide the data into four equal parts using percentiles. The first quartile contains the values from the minimum to the 25th percentile, the second from the 25th percentile to the 50th percentile (which is the median), the third from the 50th percentile to the 75th percentile, and the fourth from the 75th percentile to the maximum.

To find the quartile thresholds, use the following quantiles:

Example: Exam Scores

Consider a dataset of exam scores $S = [40, 30, 15, 24, 20, 22, 35]$. To calculate the quartiles, we need to compute the 25th percentile ($Q_1$), the 50th percentile (median, $Q_2$), and the 75th percentile ($Q_3$).

Step 1: Sort the Dataset

First, sort the dataset $S$ in ascending order:

$$ S_{sorted} = [15, 20, 22, 24, 30, 35, 40] $$

The dataset contains $n = 7$ elements.

Step 2: Calculate the Position Index for Each Quartile

For a dataset of size $n$, the position index $i_q$ for the $q$-th percentile is calculated using the formula:

$$ i_q = \frac{q \times (n + 1)}{100} $$

where $q$ is the desired percentile, and $n$ is the number of data points.

First Quartile (Q1)

For $q = 25$ (first quartile, $Q_1$):

$$ i_1 = \frac{25 \times (7 + 1)}{100} = \frac{200}{100} = 2 $$

Since $i_1 = 2$, which is an integer, the first quartile corresponds exactly to the 2nd value in the sorted dataset:

$$ Q_1 = S_{sorted}[2] = 20 $$

Second Quartile (Q2)

For $q = 50$ (second quartile, or median, $Q_2$):

$$ i_2 = \frac{50 \times (7 + 1)}{100} = \frac{400}{100} = 4 $$

Since $i_2 = 4$ is an integer, the second quartile corresponds to the 4th value in the sorted dataset:

$$ Q_2 = S_{sorted}[4] = 24 $$

Third Quartile (Q3)

For $q = 75$ (third quartile, $Q_3$):

$$ i_3 = \frac{75 \times (7 + 1)}{100} = \frac{600}{100} = 6 $$

Since $i_3 = 6$ is an integer, the third quartile corresponds to the 6th value in the sorted dataset:

$$ Q_3 = S_{sorted}[6] = 35 $$


The boxplot below provides a visual summary of the distribution of the dataset:


Table of Contents

  1. Frequencies and Frequency Tables
    1. Example: List of People and Their Sibling Count
    2. Continuous data
      1. Example: Height Measurements of a Group of People
    3. Visualization
  2. Measures of Central Tendency
    1. Example
      1. Mean
      2. Median
      3. Mode
    2. Choosing Between Mean and Median
      1. Example 1: Evaluating Salaries in a Tech Company
      2. Example 2: Reporting Average Customer Spending in a Bookstore
  3. Measures of Dispersion
    1. Example: Comparing Athletic Performances
    2. Understanding Variance
    3. Example
      1. Range
      2. Variance
      3. Standard Deviation
  4. Percentiles and Quartiles
    1. Percentiles
      1. Example: Exam Scores
    2. Quartiles
      1. Example: Exam Scores