Last modified: June 11, 2024

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Understanding Log Files, Journals, and Logging Systems

Logging is an essential part of system administration. It provides crucial insights into the system's operation by keeping a record of significant events. System logs are valuable resources for troubleshooting issues, auditing security, and optimizing system performance. Linux utilizes various logging methods, including plain text files, journald, and rsyslog, each with its unique advantages and limitations.

| LOG FILE                                                  |
| 2023-08-01 09:00 | INFO      | myapp     | Server started |
| 2023-08-01 09:01 | WARNING   | myapp     | High CPU usage |
| 2023-08-01 09:02 | ERROR     | myapp     | Server crashed |

Overview of Logging Methods

Here are the most common logging methods used in Linux systems:

Common System Log Files

Log files are typically stored in the /var/log directory. Below are some of the common log files you'll find:

The specific logs available and their locations can vary between distributions.

Journal Files in systemd

systemd is the default system and service manager for many popular distributions. It comes with a robust and centralized logging system called the journal. Unlike traditional text-based logs, the journal stores log data in binary format, providing several advantages such as metadata support, data integrity through hashing, compression for efficient storage, and indexing for quick searching.

Viewing Journal Entries with journalctl

The journalctl command is used to query and display entries from the systemd journal. By default, it lists all the journal entries in chronological order, starting from the oldest:


This command displays a comprehensive list of system logs, including those from the kernel, systemd services, and other system components.

Filtering and Manipulating Journal Entries

journalctl supports various options for filtering and displaying journal entries to make it easier to find relevant logs. Here are some commonly used options:

journalctl -u ssh.service

journalctl -b -1  # Logs from the previous boot
journalctl -b 0  # Logs from the current boot

journalctl --since "2023-01-01 00:00:00" --until "2023-01-02 00:00:00"

journalctl -f

Rsyslog for Log Processing

Rsyslog is an enhanced syslogd supporting a range of input and output methods, and numerous advanced configurations. It is an efficient and robust system for log processing, offering high performance, modularity, and extensive security features.

Initially developed as an extension of syslogd, rsyslog has evolved into a sophisticated logging system capable of receiving input from a multitude of sources, processing logs, and outputting the information to a wide array of destinations.

For instance, rsyslog can collect logs from multiple machines across a network, funnel them to a centralized location, and store them for later analysis. This feature is particularly beneficial in large-scale deployments, where managing logs from individual machines can be daunting.

The main configuration file for rsyslog is located at /etc/rsyslog.conf. Editing this file requires a good understanding of its scripting language syntax. It allows the definition of rulesets for different log sources, configuration of input and output modules, and application of filters based on severity levels or various other criteria.

Understanding Severity Levels in Rsyslog

Severity levels in rsyslog provide a mechanism to categorize log messages according to their importance. These severity levels range from 0 (emergency) to 7 (debug). Here is a quick overview:

Level Keyword Description
0 emerg System is unusable.
1 alert Action must be taken immediately.
2 crit Critical conditions.
3 err Error conditions.
4 warning Warning conditions.
5 notice Normal but significant condition.
6 info Informational messages.
7 debug Debug-level messages.

These severity levels facilitate filtering log messages to display only the relevant information or to route certain messages to specific destinations. For example, critical messages (levels 0 to 2) might be sent to an email alert system, while informational messages could be directed to a general log server.

Managing Rsyslog Services

You can start, stop, restart, and check the status of the rsyslog service using systemctl:

sudo systemctl start rsyslog      # Starts the service
sudo systemctl stop rsyslog       # Stops the service
sudo systemctl restart rsyslog    # Restarts the service
sudo systemctl status rsyslog     # Checks the status of the service

Scenario: Centralized Log Management with Rsyslog

Suppose you have a network with multiple servers, and you want to consolidate all logs in a central location for streamlined monitoring and analysis. This can be achieved using rsyslog on both the centralized log server (also known as the log collector) and the client machines that generate the logs.

Setting up the Rsyslog Server

Firstly, ensure rsyslog is installed on the server machine. If not, use the following command to install it:

sudo apt-get install rsyslog

Next, edit the rsyslog configuration file located at /etc/rsyslog.conf. Uncomment or add the following lines to enable the server to receive incoming logs on UDP port 514:

input(type="imudp" port="514")

Apply the changes by restarting rsyslog:

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

Optionally, if you have a firewall configured, allow incoming connections on UDP port 514:

sudo ufw allow 514/udp

Setting up the Rsyslog Client

On the client machines that generate logs, install rsyslog if it's not already installed:

sudo apt-get install rsyslog

Next, edit the rsyslog configuration file located at /etc/rsyslog.conf. Add the following line at the end of the file, replacing <SERVER_IP> with the IP address of the rsyslog server:

*.* @<server_ip>:514

This configuration instructs the client to forward all log messages (.) to the rsyslog server via UDP.

Apply the changes by restarting rsyslog:

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

Now, the client machines will forward their log messages to the centralized rsyslog server. The server stores the received logs in the /var/log directory. These logs can be analyzed using various log analysis tools or further processed using rsyslog's scripting language for better organization and easy retrieval of logs.

Logger Utility

Logger is a command-line utility in Linux used for generating log messages from the terminal. These messages are added to the local /var/log/syslog file or can be directed to a remote syslog server. Logger provides several options for specifying the priority of messages, defining the syslog port, or indicating a remote system, making it an adaptable tool for various logging needs.

The usage and options of logger can be understood in more detail through the manual pages:

man logger

Basic Usage of Logger

A simple example of using logger to generate a log message:

logger "This is a sample log message"

This command will append the text "This is a sample log message" to the /var/log/syslog file.

Sending Log Message to Remote Server with Logger

Logger can also be used to send log messages to a remote syslog server. Here is an example:

logger -n -P 514 "This is a sample log message for remote server"

In this command:

Adjusting Log Message Severity

Logger allows us to adjust the severity of a log message using the -p option followed by the desired facility and priority level. For example:

logger -p "User John logged in successfully"

In this command:

The message would thus indicate an informational message from the authentication and authorization system (e.g., a successful user login).

Logger, being a flexible tool, fits perfectly into scripts or automated tasks where logging is required for monitoring or troubleshooting purposes.


Logrotate is an essential utility for managing log files. It is designed to automate the process of rotating, compressing, and deleting log files to prevent them from consuming all available disk space on a system. The unchecked growth of log files can lead to performance issues and can even make a system unusable.

Logrotate maintains system health and efficient disk space usage by rotating log files based on configurations specified by the user. It compresses old logs, deletes logs older than a certain threshold, and facilitates the creation of new logs for ongoing tracking.

To check the installed version of logrotate, use:

logrotate --version

Configuration of Logrotate

Logrotate uses configuration files to manage log files. The main configuration file is located at /etc/logrotate.conf, and it allows for additional, application-specific configuration files in the /etc/logrotate.d/ directory.

These configuration files dictate how and when logrotate performs actions on specific log files or sets of log files. For instance, you may have a web server generating access and error logs daily. These logs can rapidly increase in size, causing them to be challenging to manage. With logrotate, you can automate the rotation of these logs daily, compress logs older than a week, and delete logs older than a month. This approach ensures efficient disk usage and readily accessible recent logs.

Here's an example of a logrotate configuration for a web server:

/var/log/httpd/*log {
    rotate 30
    create 0640 root adm
    /sbin/service httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true

In this configuration:


  1. Detail the reasons why logging is crucial in system administration. Discuss its role in maintaining system health, identifying issues, and aiding in security auditing.
  2. Provide an in-depth description of Journald, its functions, advantages, and how it is different from traditional text-file-based logging systems. Discuss its relationship with systemd.
  3. Explain how Rsyslog operates. Discuss its configuration, its use in centralized logging, and the use of severity levels in filtering and categorizing log messages.
  4. Use the logger command to create and send messages to system logs. Explain the role and usage of different flags that can be used with this command.
  5. Explain how to configure and use logrotate to manage log files' sizes. Discuss how it can help automate the process of rotating, compressing, and deleting log files.
  6. Discuss common log file formats and their differences. Consider elements like structure, readability, and compatibility with different log analysis tools.
  7. Show how to use log filters to selectively include or exclude log messages based on certain criteria. Use Rsyslog or Journald as an example.
  8. Explain how to use log analysis tools to extract useful information from log files. This could include searching for specific events, identifying trends, or generating reports.
  9. Describe best practices for managing and maintaining logs in a production environment. Discuss strategies for retaining logs, securing log data, and ensuring the reliability and availability of log files.
  10. Discuss common logging-related problems in a Linux environment, such as missing logs, log corruption, or full disk space due to log files. Explain how to diagnose and resolve these issues.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of Logging Methods
  2. Common System Log Files
  3. Journal Files in systemd
    1. Viewing Journal Entries with journalctl
    2. Filtering and Manipulating Journal Entries
  4. Rsyslog for Log Processing
    1. Understanding Severity Levels in Rsyslog
    2. Managing Rsyslog Services
    3. Scenario: Centralized Log Management with Rsyslog
      1. Setting up the Rsyslog Server
      2. Setting up the Rsyslog Client
  5. Logger Utility
    1. Basic Usage of Logger
    2. Sending Log Message to Remote Server with Logger
  6. Logrotate
    1. Configuration of Logrotate
  7. Challenges