Last modified: June 11, 2024

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Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring is essential for maintaining the health of your system. It helps you identify bottlenecks or issues that may be affecting your system's performance. We'll now explore some tools and techniques available for monitoring performance and explain some usage statistics, such as CPU and RAM usage.

Understanding Usage Statistics

Usage statistics provide insights into how your system resources are being utilized. These statistics include CPU usage, RAM usage, and disk usage. An increase in these statistics may be due to various factors, such as running resource-intensive applications, insufficient system resources, or a misconfiguration in your system settings.

  1. CPU Usage: Indicates how much processing power is being used by your system. High CPU usage can cause applications to become sluggish, and your system may become unresponsive.
  2. RAM Usage: Shows how much of your system's memory is being utilized. If your system runs out of RAM, it will start using swap space, which can significantly slow down your system.
  3. Disk Usage: Displays how much of your system's storage is being used. High disk usage can lead to a decrease in overall system performance.

Top: Real-Time System Monitoring

The top command is a fundamental tool for real-time system monitoring. It offers a dynamic view of the system's running processes, allowing you to see which processes are consuming the most resources. top is particularly useful for diagnosing load and performance issues on a server or a local machine.

To start top, simply enter the following in the terminal:


This command opens the top interface, which refreshes every few seconds to provide an up-to-date view of the system's state.

When you run top, the output is divided into two sections:

Key Features:

top -p 1234

An example of top output might look like this:

top - 15:00:02 up 1 day,  4:03,  2 users,  load average: 0.42, 0.35, 0.30
Tasks: 180 total,   2 running, 178 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  5.1 us,  2.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 92.1 id,  0.4 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.2 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :  8026792 total,  123456 free,  2345678 used,  5460658 buff/cache
KiB Swap:  2048000 total,  1755000 free,   293000 used,  1234567 avail Mem 

1234 user1     20   0  162956   2212   1124 R  25.0  0.3   0:15.03 my_process
5678 user2     20   0  161256   2024   1028 S  12.5  0.2   1:20.03 another_process

Bottom Section lists individual processes with the following columns:

Tips for using top:


htop is an interactive system-monitor process viewer for Linux. It is a more advanced and user-friendly alternative to the traditional top command. htop provides a colorful and visually appealing interface, along with various features that enhance process management and system monitoring.


htop is not pre-installed on most Linux distributions, but it can be easily installed through package managers.

I. Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install htop


sudo yum install htop

III. Fedora:

sudo dnf install htop

To start htop, simply type:


Key Features:

An example output of htop might look like this:

1  [||||||||||| 34.5%]   Tasks: 65, 132 thr; 2 running
2  [||||||||||  28.7%]   Load average: 1.23 0.97 0.88 
Swp[|             0K/512M]

  PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
1287 root       20   0  256M  4980  3192 R 28.6  0.1  0:03.41 /usr/bin/Xorg
2905 user1      20   0  517M  3720  2012 S 14.0  0.1  1:13.69 gnome-terminal

Understanding the Output

Swap space

Swap space is an area on your hard drive used as virtual memory when your system runs out of physical RAM. It allows your system to continue running even when it has exhausted all available RAM, but it can negatively impact performance, as accessing data from the hard drive is slower than accessing it from RAM.

To view the amount of swap space available on your system, use the free command:

free -h

Here's an example of what the output might look like:

total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            8G         3.2G        2.1G       101M      2.7G        4.4G
Swap:           2G         1.2G        800M

I. Mem (Memory) Section

II. Swap Section

Key Takeaways from the Example:

Monitor RAM usage

Monitoring RAM usage is essential for managing system resources efficiently. To do this on Linux systems, the free -h command is commonly used. It provides information on the total amount of RAM, along with how much is used and free. If the used memory approaches the total amount of RAM, this could signal a need for more RAM or optimization of current usage.

I. Resident Set Size (RSS)

II. Virtual Set Size (VSZ)

Example: Calculating RSS and VSZ

Consider a process with these details:


I. RSS: Total physical memory usage.

II. VSZ: Total memory allocation at start.

Identifying Top Memory-Consuming Processes

To list the 10 processes consuming the most RAM, you can use the command:

ps -e -o pid,vsz,comm= | sort -n -k 2 -r | head 10

Finding RAM Usage of a Specific Process

In addition to monitoring overall RAM usage, it's often necessary to track the memory usage of a specific process.

For example to check the memory usage of a process named nginx:

ps -o %mem,rss,vsize,cmd -C nginx


vmstat displays information about system memory, swap, and CPU usage. It provides a snapshot of the current state of the system, as well as the average statistics over a period of time.

To view the current state of the system, use vmstat without any arguments. To view the average statistics over a period of time, use vmstat [interval] [count], where interval is the time in seconds between each snapshot and count is the number of snapshots to take.

vmstat 5 10

This command will display 10 snapshots at 5-second intervals.


  1. Run top during peak load times and identify any processes consistently using over 50% CPU. Document these processes and research ways to optimize or replace them for better performance.
  2. Use iotop to monitor disk I/O. Select an application you suspect is causing high I/O, run it, and document its I/O usage pattern. Determine if the usage is justifiable or if it needs optimization.
  3. Identify a running service or application suspected of a memory leak. Use valgrind or similar tools to trace its memory usage over time. Provide a report with findings and potential solutions.
  4. Monitor a specific service using nethogs for real-time network bandwidth usage. Analyze its traffic patterns and propose optimizations to reduce unnecessary network load.
  5. Write a bash script that alerts when disk usage goes beyond 80%. The script should identify the top five directories contributing to disk usage.
  6. When system load average exceeds 1.0, use a combination of uptime, vmstat, and dmesg to diagnose the root cause. Document the methodology and findings.
  7. Create a cron job script to gather CPU, memory, and disk usage statistics every hour. Store this data in a log file for a week and analyze it to identify any patterns or anomalies.
  8. Set up Nagios to monitor a server. Configure it to send an email alert for critical conditions like CPU usage > 90%, disk space < 10%, and RAM usage > 90%.

Table of Contents

  1. Performance Monitoring
    1. Understanding Usage Statistics
    2. Top: Real-Time System Monitoring
  2. Htop
    1. Installation
  3. Swap space
  4. Monitor RAM usage
    1. Example: Calculating RSS and VSZ
    2. Identifying Top Memory-Consuming Processes
    3. Finding RAM Usage of a Specific Process
  5. Vmstat
  6. Challenges