Last modified: October 16, 2022

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A service in computing is a background process that performs specific tasks or offers various functionalities to other programs. These services typically communicate using methods such as sockets or inter-process communication (IPC). The primary purposes of a service include:

Services can be managed through various actions like starting or stopping them on demand, or enabling or disabling them to automatically start or stop during system boot. Common examples of services include the sshd service, which initiates an SSH server, and the httpd service, responsible for web server functionalities using HTTP and/or HTTPS protocols.

In modern Unix-like operating systems, SystemD is a prevalent tool for managing services. SystemD orchestrates the system's startup sequence by handling various scripts known as units. These units encompass services, mount points, sockets, and more. To view all units managed by SystemD, use the command systemctl list-units. The systemctl utility, a command-line interface, interacts with SystemD to manage these units, including starting, stopping, and configuring services.

|                Linux Operating System            |
|                                                  |
|    +------------------------+   +-------------+  |
|    |     Service Manager    |   |             |  |
|    |     (e.g., systemd)    |<--|  User       |  |
|    +------------------------+   |  Commands   |  |
|         |         ^             | (e.g.,      |  |
|         |         |             |  systemctl  |  |
|    Start|         |Stop/Restart |  start/stop |  |
|     /Enable       | /Disable    |  /status)   |  |
|         v         |             +-------------+  |
|    +------------------------+                    |
|    |      Linux Service     |                    |
|    |                        |                    |
|    | - Runs in background   |                    |
|    | - Performs tasks       |                    |
|    | - Listens to events    |                    |
|    | - Logs activity        |                    |
|    | - Responds to          |                    |
|    |   service manager      |                    |
|    +------------------------+                    |
|                                                  |


Daemons are specialized background processes designed to perform tasks or provide services autonomously. They are typically launched during the system's startup process but can also be initiated manually. Unlike interactive user programs, daemons operate independently of user control.

Daemons are traditionally managed using rc (run commands) and init (initialization) scripts, commonly located in /etc/rc.d and /etc/init.d directories. On systems utilizing init.d scripts, you can list all services using ls /etc/init.d. Tools like systemctl (for SystemD-based systems), service, and chkconfig (for SysV-init systems) are used to manage these scripts.

While SystemD has become the standard for service and daemon management in modern Unix-like systems, some older systems still rely on rc and init scripts. A program can function as both a service and a daemon, depending on its configuration and role.

Daemons vs services

The distinction between daemons and services primarily lies in their roles and operational contexts. Daemons are designed for specific tasks or to provide particular services autonomously. They are generally system-started and can also be manually initiated, operating independently of direct user control, managed via rc and init scripts.

In contrast, services are background processes that interface with other programs, often necessitating system-wide availability, starting with the system boot, and running continuously in the background. They are managed by starting, stopping, enabling, or disabling them as needed.

Aspect Daemon Service
Definition A background process running continuously, often from boot time. A software function provided to users or other programs.
Purpose To handle tasks regularly, automatically, or on demand without user interaction. To perform a specific function for the system or other applications.
Run Model Always running in the background (continuous). Can be continuous (always running) or on-demand.
Examples httpd (Apache web server), sshd (SSH server), crond (cron scheduler) Web server, database server, file-sharing service, etc.
How It's Managed By the system (often via tools like systemd, init.d, etc.). By system administrators or service management tools.
Startup Generally starts at boot time and runs until shutdown. May start at boot, run on demand, or be manually started/stopped.
Scope Background operation; typically not interacted with directly by users. May be accessible to users or other programs as a function or API.
Naming Often ends with "d" (e.g., httpd, sshd). Name is usually descriptive of the function (e.g., web server).
Relationship Provides specific services by running in the background. Can be implemented as a daemon but not always required to be one.

Daemons are often services, but not all services need to be daemons.

Managing Services

Services, being integral background processes, offer functionalities or services to other programs or the system. Their management involves starting, stopping, enabling, or disabling them, with the specific commands and tools varying based on the service type and the operating system.

Enabling Services

To enable a service means to configure it to start automatically when the system boots up. This is particularly useful for services that are essential for system operations or that provide critical functionalities. The command to enable a service varies depending on the system's initialization system. Here are common examples:

I. Using chkconfig for SysV-init systems:

chkconfig httpd on

This command sets the httpd service to start automatically.

II. Using systemctl for SystemD-based systems:

systemctl enable httpd.service

This command creates a symbolic link for the httpd.service unit file, ensuring it's activated on boot.

Disabling Services

Disabling a service prevents it from starting automatically during system boot, which is useful for non-essential services or for troubleshooting conflicts. The specific command also depends on the system's initialization system:

I. Using chkconfig for SysV-init systems:

chkconfig httpd off

This command removes the httpd service from the system's startup sequence.

II. Using systemctl for SystemD-based systems:

systemctl disable httpd.service

This command removes the symbolic link for the httpd.service, preventing it from starting at boot.

Starting Services

To start a service means to initiate its operation immediately. This is often done after installing a new service or making configuration changes.

I. Using chkconfig for SysV-init systems:

service httpd start

This command triggers the immediate start of the httpd service.

II. Using systemctl for SystemD-based systems:

systemctl start httpd.service

This command tells systemd to start the httpd service right away.

Stopping Services

Conversely, stopping a service halts its operation. This can be necessary for maintenance, updates, or to resolve performance issues.

I. Using chkconfig for SysV-init systems:

service httpd stop

This command stops the httpd service immediately, freeing up resources.

II. Using systemctl for SystemD-based systems:

systemctl stop httpd.service

This command instructs systemd to terminate the httpd service.

Checking the Status of a Service

The status of a service shows its current state and if it is active or not. Some common service statuses include:

Status Description
Loaded The unit file was processed, and the unit is now active.
Active(running) The unit is active with one or more processes.
Active(exited) A one-time task was successfully performed.
Active(waiting) The unit is active and waiting for an event.
Inactive The unit is not running.
Enabled The unit will be started at boot time.
Disabled The unit will not be started at boot time.
Static The unit can't be enabled, but can be started by another unit manually.

To check the status of a service, you can use the status command. The way this command is used depends on the tool being used. Here are some examples:

I. Using chkconfig for SysV-init systems:

chkconfig --list httpd

II. Using systemctl for SystemD-based systems:

systemctl status httpd.service

Checking Service Dependencies

Understanding service dependencies is crucial for effective system administration, particularly when managing startup sequences and troubleshooting service issues. To check whether a particular service is dependent on a specific target or another service, the systemctl command can be utilized in conjunction with grep. Here's how to do it: Using this command sets Adam as the owner and assigns the "admins" group to the file.txt.

systemctl list-dependencies [target/service] | grep [service-name]

For example to determine if the httpd service depends on

systemctl list-dependencies | grep httpd

Interpretation of Results:

Note that the syntax of the list-dependencies command and the target you specify may vary depending on the operating system and the version of systemctl being used.

Example: Operating FTP Server

1. Installing FTP Server using Package Managers (RPM and YUM)

1.1. Using YUM Package Manager

Step 1: Search for FTP packages

yum list | grep ftp

Expected Output:

vsftpd.x86_64      3.0.2-29.el7   @base
lftp.x86_64        4.4.8-9.el7    @base

Step 2: Install vsftpd (FTP server)

yum install vsftpd

Expected Output:

Dependencies Resolved
 Package             Arch               Version                  Repository
 vsftpd              x86_64             3.0.2-29.el7             base
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y

It resolves dependencies and asks for confirmation to proceed with the installation. Press y to install.

1.2. Using RPM Package Manager

Step 1: Search for FTP package using RPM

rpm -qa | grep ftp

Expected Output:


Step 2: Install vsftpd using RPM

rpm -ivh vsftpd-3.0.2-29.el7.x86_64.rpm

Expected Output:

Preparing...                     ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:vsftpd-3.0.2-29.el7         ################################# [100%]

The package installs successfully if no errors appear.

2. Configuring and Starting the FTP Server

Step 1: Edit the configuration file

vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

Look for these key options:

Step 2: Enable and start vsftpd service

systemctl enable vsftpd
systemctl start vsftpd

Expected Output (Enable command):

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/vsftpd.service.

The systemctl enable command sets the service to start on boot. The symlink confirmation indicates success.

Expected Output (Start command):

No output (command completes silently)

No output means the service started successfully. Use systemctl status to verify.

Step 3: Check service status

systemctl status vsftpd

Expected Output:

● vsftpd.service - Vsftpd ftp daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vsftpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-10-05 12:30:50 UTC; 5min ago

Interpretation: - Active: active (running) indicates that the FTP service is running.

3. Checking on Which Port FTP Operates

Step 1: Check the port being used

netstat -tulnp | grep ftp

Expected Output:

tcp   0  0*       LISTEN      1234/vsftpd
tcp6  0  0 :::21          :::*            LISTEN      1234/vsftpd

4. Checking if the Port is Free

Step 1: Check if port 21 is in use

netstat -an | grep 21

Expected Output:

tcp   0  0*       LISTEN

If you see LISTEN on port 21, it means the port is in use by FTP. If there's no output, the port is free.


ss -an | grep 21

Expected Output:

LISTEN     0      100*

5. Testing the FTP Server

Step 1: Verify that the FTP service is running

ps -ef | grep vsftpd

Expected Output:

root     1234     1  0 12:30 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/vsftpd /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

This output shows that vsftpd is running with PID 1234.

Step 2: Test FTP connection on localhost

ftp localhost

Expected Output:

Connected to localhost (
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Name (localhost:user):

Step 3: Test FTP connection from another machine

ftp <server_ip>

Expected Output:

Connected to <server_ip>.
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Name (<server_ip>:user):

Interpretation: - This output shows that the FTP server is accessible from the network.

Step 4: Upload and download test files 1. Upload file:


put testfile.txt

Interpretation: The file testfile.txt was successfully uploaded.

  1. Download file:


200 PORT command successful.
150 Ok to send data.
226 Transfer complete.

Interpretation: The file was successfully downloaded.

Step 5: Exit the FTP session

get testfile.txt

Expected Output:

200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.
226 Transfer complete.

6. Check FTP Server Logs


Expected Output:

221 Goodbye.

This shows connection and file transfer logs, which can be helpful for debugging.

Creating a Custom Service with SystemD

Creating a custom service in SystemD involves writing a service unit file. This file is a configuration script that provides instructions to SystemD on how to manage and execute the service. These scripts are typically placed in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. A service script is divided into several sections, each serving a specific purpose.

Common Sections in a Service Script

Most service scripts include the following sections:

Example of a Simple Service Script

Below is an example of a basic service script. This script configures SystemD to run a specific executable file at startup:

tail -f /var/log/vsftpd.log

This script includes:

You can read more about targets here.

Additional Notes

After creating or modifying a service script, use systemctl daemon-reload to reload the SystemD configuration and systemctl enable [service-name].service to enable the service.

In the context of SystemD service management, [service-name] refers to the name of your service unit file, minus the .service extension. It's a unique identifier for your service within the SystemD framework. When you create a custom service script:

  1. The file is named with a .service extension, for example, my_custom_service.service.
  2. The [service-name] is the filename without the .service extension, i.e., my_custom_service in this example.

So, when enabling, starting, or checking the status of your service with SystemD commands, you reference it by this [service-name]. For example:


  1. Use systemctl to list all active and inactive timers on your system, and identify which services they are associated with. Explain the purpose of timers in SystemD and discuss how they can be used as a replacement for traditional cron jobs for scheduling tasks.
  2. Install and configure a DHCP server using the isc-dhcp-server package. Set it up to automatically assign IP addresses to client devices on your network. Document the configuration process and verify the server is working by connecting a client device to the network and checking that it receives the correct IP configuration.
  3. Install and configure the nfs-kernel-server package to set up an NFS server. Share a directory over the network and configure permissions to allow client devices to access files in this directory. Test the configuration by mounting the NFS share on a client system.
  4. Use the openssh-server package to install and configure an SSH server for secure remote access to your machine. Set up basic security measures, such as disabling root login and enabling key-based authentication, and test the setup by connecting from a remote client.
  5. Install the bind9 package to configure a DNS server capable of resolving domain names to IP addresses. Create a basic zone file for a sample domain, then test the configuration using tools like nslookup or dig to ensure the server is correctly translating domain names to IPs.
  6. Choose between the postfix or sendmail packages and set up a basic mail server. Configure it to handle email delivery and management for a local domain, and verify that the server can successfully send and receive emails. Discuss the differences between postfix and sendmail and the scenarios in which each might be preferred.
  7. Install and configure a web server using one of the following: nginx, apache, caddy, or traefik. Set up the server to serve content over HTTP and, if possible, enable HTTPS with a self-signed certificate for secure access. Verify the server by accessing it from a web browser on a client machine.
  8. Install and configure a database server using either mysql or postgresql. Create a sample database and user, then verify connectivity to the database from a client tool such as mysql or psql. Discuss how each database system handles user authentication and data access.
  9. Set up and configure a caching service such as memcached or redis. Use it to cache data for an application or website, and explain how caching can improve performance by reducing database queries and speeding up response times.
  10. Install and configure a monitoring tool, such as prometheus, nagios, or zabbix, to monitor the status and health of your server. Set up alerts for specific metrics, like CPU or memory usage, and discuss the importance of monitoring in maintaining system reliability and performance.

Table of Contents

  1. Services
    1. Daemons
    2. Daemons vs services
    3. Managing Services
      1. Enabling Services
      2. Disabling Services
      3. Starting Services
      4. Stopping Services
      5. Checking the Status of a Service
      6. Checking Service Dependencies
    4. Example: Operating FTP Server
    5. 1. Installing FTP Server using Package Managers (RPM and YUM)
      1. 1.1. Using YUM Package Manager
      2. 1.2. Using RPM Package Manager
    6. 2. Configuring and Starting the FTP Server
    7. 3. Checking on Which Port FTP Operates
    8. 4. Checking if the Port is Free
    9. 5. Testing the FTP Server
    10. 6. Check FTP Server Logs
  2. Creating a Custom Service with SystemD
    1. Common Sections in a Service Script
    2. Example of a Simple Service Script
      1. Additional Notes
    3. Challenges