Last modified: March 07, 2022

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How the Linux Kernel Executes Programs

We'll explore the inner workings of the Linux kernel, focusing on how it loads and executes binaries. We'll dive into the execve system call, build a custom kernel, and use debugging tools to see the execution process in action. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just curious about operating systems, this walkthrough aims to shed light on the fascinating journey from a command to a running program.

The Role of the execve System Call

At the heart of program execution in Linux lies the execve system call. This function is responsible for replacing the current process image with a new one, effectively running a new program within the same process. When you run a command in the terminal, execve is the mechanism that makes it happen.

In C, the function signature of execve is:

int execve(const char *pathname, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);

Let's break down the parameters:

When a program calls execve, the kernel loads the specified executable into memory, sets up the new environment, and starts executing the program from its entry point. The original process is overwritten, but it retains its process ID, which is why execve doesn't create a new process but transforms the existing one.

Observing execve in Action with strace

To see how execve operates under the hood, we can use a tool called strace. This utility traces system calls made by a program, allowing us to observe interactions with the kernel.

For example, if we want to see how the ls command is executed, we can run:

strace -e execve ls

The -e execve option tells strace to filter and display only execve system calls. When you run this command, you'll see output showing which executables are being invoked, along with the arguments and environment variables. This simple exercise reveals the essential role execve plays in running even the most basic commands.

Building a Custom Linux Kernel

To truly understand how the kernel executes programs, we can build our own version of the Linux kernel. This allows us to customize it for debugging and explore its internals.

Cloning the Kernel Source Code

Start by cloning the official Linux kernel repository:

CODE_BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER This command downloads the entire kernel source code into a directory named linux. Navigate into this directory:

git clone

Configuring the Kernel

Before compiling, we need to configure the kernel to suit our needs. We can generate a default configuration as a starting point:

CODE_BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER This command creates a standard configuration file based on your system's architecture.

Customizing for Debugging

To make debugging easier and reduce compilation time, we'll adjust some settings:

I. Disable Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR): KASLR randomizes the memory address where the kernel is loaded, which can complicate debugging. To disable it:

II. Streamline the Kernel: Disabling unnecessary features speeds up compilation and simplifies debugging.

III. Enable Debugging Options: These settings provide valuable information when debugging.

Compiling the Kernel

Now we're ready to compile the kernel:

cd linux

The -j$(nproc) option tells make to use all available CPU cores, speeding up the process. Compiling the kernel can take some time, so feel free to take a break while it builds.

Once compilation is complete, generate the GDB scripts:

make defconfig

These scripts help GDB (the GNU Debugger) understand kernel data structures during debugging sessions.

Creating an Initramfs with Custom Programs

An initramfs (initial RAM filesystem) is a simple filesystem loaded into memory during the boot process. We'll create one containing a statically linked shell and a sample program to test our custom kernel.

Building a Statically Linked Shell

First, we'll build a minimal shell to use as the initial process:

I. Download BusyBox: BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable.

make -j$(nproc)

II. Configure for Static Linking:

make scripts_gdb

Then, edit the .config file or run:

tar -xjf busybox-1.35.0.tar.bz2
cd busybox-1.35.0

Under BusyBox Settings, ensure Build BusyBox as a static binary (no shared libs) is enabled.

III. Compile BusyBox:

make defconfig

IV. Install BusyBox:

make menuconfig

This installs BusyBox into a _install directory.

Preparing the Initramfs

Create a directory to hold the initramfs contents:

make -j$(nproc)

Copy BusyBox into the initramfs:

make install

Create a simple init script that the kernel will execute first:

mkdir -p ../initramfs/{bin,sbin,etc,proc,sys,usr/{bin,sbin}}

Make the script executable:

cp -r _install/* ../initramfs/

Adding a Sample Program

Let's create a simple C program to test:

cat > ../initramfs/init << 'EOF'

mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t sysfs none /sys
echo "Welcome to the custom initramfs shell!"
exec /bin/sh


Compile the program statically:

chmod +x ../initramfs/init

Creating the Initramfs Archive

Finally, create the initramfs cpio archive:

cat > ../initramfs/hello.c << 'EOF'

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
  printf("Hello from the custom kernel!\n");
  return 0;


This command finds all files in the initramfs directory, creates a cpio archive in the newc format, and compresses it with gzip.

Booting the Custom Kernel with QEMU

Now that we have a custom kernel and initramfs, we can boot them using QEMU, an open-source emulator that supports virtualization.

Starting QEMU

Run the following command:

gcc -static -o ../initramfs/bin/hello ../initramfs/hello.c

Here's what the options mean:

With these options, QEMU waits for a debugger to connect before starting the kernel.

Debugging the Kernel with GDB

Now we can connect GDB to QEMU to debug the kernel.

Connecting GDB

In a new terminal window, navigate to the kernel source directory and start GDB:

cd ../initramfs
find . -print0 | cpio --null -ov --format=newc | gzip -9 > ../initramfs.cpio.gz
cd ..

Within GDB, connect to QEMU:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-kernel linux/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
-initrd initramfs.cpio.gz \
-append "console=ttyS0" \
-nographic \
-s -S

The kernel is now paused and ready for debugging.

Setting Breakpoints

Let's set a breakpoint at the do_execve function:

gdb linux/vmlinux

Then, continue execution:

(gdb) target remote :1234

Switch back to the QEMU terminal. The kernel should now boot and drop into our custom shell.

Observing Program Execution

In the QEMU shell, run our sample program:

(gdb) break do_execve

Because we set a breakpoint at do_execve, GDB will pause execution when the kernel attempts to execute hello.

Stepping Through do_execve

Back in GDB, we can step through the do_execve function to observe how the kernel handles the execution request:

(gdb) continue

As you step through, pay attention to how the kernel prepares the binary for execution, including loading the executable, setting up memory spaces, and initializing the process environment.

Inspecting Variables

We can inspect variables and structures to understand the state of the kernel. For example, to view the binary parameters:


This displays the contents of the linux_binprm structure, which holds information about the binary being executed.

Understanding Binary Format Handling

The kernel supports multiple binary formats (like ELF, scripts, etc.). It determines how to execute a file based on its format.

Exploring search_binary_handler

The function search_binary_handler is responsible for finding the appropriate handler for the binary:

(gdb) step

When the breakpoint hits, you can examine the available handlers:

(gdb) print *bprm

By continuing execution and checking the handler's name, you can see how the kernel selects the ELF handler for our compiled program.

Loading the ELF Binary

Once the ELF handler is selected, the kernel uses load_elf_binary to load the executable.

Stepping into load_elf_binary

Continue stepping through the code:

(gdb) break search_binary_handler
(gdb) continue

Within load_elf_binary, the kernel reads the ELF header, sets up memory mappings, and prepares the process for execution.

Checking the ELF Header

You can examine the ELF header:

(gdb) print fmt->name

This should display the magic numbers identifying the file as an ELF executable.

Starting the Program

After loading the binary, the kernel sets up the initial CPU state and starts the program.

Examining start_thread

The start_thread function sets the instruction pointer and stack pointer for the new process:

(gdb) step

Check the instruction pointer:

(gdb) print elf_ex.e_ident

This address should correspond to the entry point of our hello program.

Verifying the Entry Point

To confirm, you can check the entry point in the compiled binary:

(gdb) step

Look for the Entry point address and compare it to the instruction pointer value from GDB.

Resuming Execution

Once the setup is complete, we can allow the program to run:

(gdb) print/x regs->ip

Switch back to the QEMU terminal. You should see the message from our program:

readelf -h hello

This indicates that the kernel successfully executed our program.

Table of Contents

    How the Linux Kernel Executes Programs
    1. The Role of the execve System Call
    2. Observing execve in Action with strace
    3. Building a Custom Linux Kernel
      1. Cloning the Kernel Source Code
      2. Configuring the Kernel
      3. Customizing for Debugging
      4. Compiling the Kernel
    4. Creating an Initramfs with Custom Programs
      1. Building a Statically Linked Shell
      2. Preparing the Initramfs
      3. Adding a Sample Program
      4. Creating the Initramfs Archive
    5. Booting the Custom Kernel with QEMU
      1. Starting QEMU
    6. Debugging the Kernel with GDB
      1. Connecting GDB
      2. Setting Breakpoints
    7. Observing Program Execution
      1. Stepping Through do_execve
      2. Inspecting Variables
    8. Understanding Binary Format Handling
      1. Exploring search_binary_handler
    9. Loading the ELF Binary
      1. Stepping into load_elf_binary
      2. Checking the ELF Header
    10. Starting the Program
      1. Examining start_thread
      2. Verifying the Entry Point
    11. Resuming Execution