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Integration of VTK with Other Tools and Libraries

VTK is a versatile library that can be integrated with a wide range of other tools and libraries to further enhance its functionality and provide a more user-friendly interface. Some key integrations include:

  1. ParaView
  2. VisIt
  3. ITK
  4. Python Visualization Libraries


ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application built using VTK. It provides a more accessible interface for managing VTK pipelines and large data sets. Key features include:

For more details, visit the official ParaView website.


VisIt is an interactive, open-source visualization and analysis tool based on VTK. It's designed for dealing with large, complex, time-varying, and multi-dimensional data, often found in high-performance computing applications. Highlights include:

For more information, check out the official VisIt website.


The Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) is tailored for image analysis, particularly in the biomedical field. When combined with VTK, ITK excels in processing and visualizing medical images. Features include:

Learn more on the official ITK website.

Python Visualization Libraries

Python's rich ecosystem of visualization libraries opens up new avenues for integrating with VTK. Some of these integrations are:

Learn more about vtkplotlib here and about pyvista in their official documentation.

Example: Integrating VTK with Matplotlib

Key Conversion Considerations

I. Data Format Compatibility

II. Coordinate Systems

Integration Approaches

I. Embedding VTK Render Windows in Matplotlib

II. Converting VTK Images for Matplotlib

The following code demonstrates how to create a 3D representation of a sphere using VTK and then visualize it using Matplotlib. The visualization includes both the points of the sphere and their normals (vectors perpendicular to the sphere's surface at each point):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import vtkmodules.all as vtk
from vtkmodules.util import numpy_support

# Create a sphere
sphere_radius = 1.0
sphere_theta_resolution = 40
sphere_phi_resolution = 40

sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource()

# Convert vtk to numpy
vtk_array = sphere.GetOutput().GetPoints().GetData()
numpy_array = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_array)

# Split the numpy array into x, y, z components for 3D plotting
x, y, z = numpy_array[:, 0], numpy_array[:, 1], numpy_array[:, 2]

# Plot the sphere using matplotlib
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax.scatter(x, y, z, color="b", alpha=0.6, edgecolors="w", s=20)


Table of Contents

  1. Integration of VTK with Other Tools and Libraries
    1. ParaView
    2. VisIt
    3. ITK
    4. Python Visualization Libraries
  2. Example: Integrating VTK with Matplotlib
    1. Key Conversion Considerations
    2. Integration Approaches