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Developing Custom Filters and Algorithms

Inheritance and VTK Pipeline Integration

Custom filters must comply with the VTK pipeline structure and inherit from relevant classes. Common base classes for custom filters include:

Integrating custom filters with the VTK pipeline ensures their compatibility with other VTK filters and components, providing a smooth and unified workflow.

Applications and Use Cases

Custom filters can serve a multitude of purposes, from implementing new visualization techniques to processing specific data types. Some example use cases might be:


Here's an example of creating a custom filter that inherits from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm:

import vtk

class MyCustomFilter(vtk.vtkPolyDataAlgorithm):
    def __init__(self):

    def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
        # Get input and output data objects
        input_data = vtk.vtkPolyData.GetData(inInfo[0])
        output_data = vtk.vtkPolyData.GetData(outInfo)

        # Perform custom processing on the input_data
        # For example, let's just copy the input to the output
        # Returning 1 indicates successful execution
        return 1

# Example usage:
sphere_source = vtk.vtkSphereSource()
custom_filter = MyCustomFilter()

Table of Contents

  1. Developing Custom Filters and Algorithms
    1. Inheritance and VTK Pipeline Integration
    2. Applications and Use Cases
  2. Example