Last modified: September 19, 2022

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Root-Finding in Numerical Methods

Root-finding algorithms aim to solve equations of the form


for a scalar (or vector) variable x. Although linear problems ax+b=0 admit the straightforward solution x=b/a, many practical applications involve nonlinear equations—polynomial or transcendental—where closed-form solutions may be unavailable or difficult to find. Consequently, numerical methods are indispensable for approximating roots.

Relevance and Applications

Basic Concepts


A root r of a function f is a solution to


Depending on f:

  1. Polynomial functions f(x)=anxn++a0 may have multiple real or complex roots.
  2. Transcendental functions (e.g., sinx, expx, logx) may have infinitely many roots or require special methods.
  3. Generalized exponents or radicals (xπ,x3/5,x,) introduce domain constraints or branch cuts.

Brackets and the Intermediate Value Theorem

A bracket [a,b] is an interval such that


Provided f is continuous on [a,b], the Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) guarantees there is at least one root in [a,b]. This property underpins bracketing methods, ensuring that each iteration can reduce the interval size while preserving a sign change that encloses a root.

Note: If f is not continuous, sign changes do not necessarily imply roots in that interval.


An iterative method generates a sequence of approximations xk. If xkr as k (for some root r), we say the method converges to r. The rate of convergence is an important property:

For example, Bisection typically has linear convergence, while Newton’s Method can exhibit quadratic convergence (under favorable conditions).


A tolerance ε is chosen so that when

|xk+1xk|<εor|f(xk)|<δ, we consider the root sufficiently approximated and stop. The choice of ε and δ depends on the application’s precision needs.

Common Root-Finding Methods

Root-finding methods can be broadly classified into bracketing (guaranteed convergence under certain assumptions) and open methods (faster convergence but risk of divergence). Some methods combine both aspects.

Bracketing Methods

Bisection Method
False Position (Regula Falsi)

Open Methods

Open methods rely on derivative information or estimates, and do not require an initial bracket. However, they can fail to converge if poorly chosen initial guesses or pathological function behavior occurs.

Newton’s Method
Secant Method

Combination Methods

Choosing a Root-Finding Method

Example Flow of Decision

Table of Contents

    Root-Finding in Numerical Methods
    1. Relevance and Applications
    2. Basic Concepts
      1. Root
      2. Brackets and the Intermediate Value Theorem
      3. Convergence
      4. Tolerance
    3. Common Root-Finding Methods
      1. Bracketing Methods
      2. Open Methods
      3. Combination Methods
    4. Choosing a Root-Finding Method
      1. Example Flow of Decision