Last modified: April 26, 2022

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Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)

An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is an equation that involves:

I. One independent variable, often denoted by t (in many applications, t represents time).

II. One dependent variable (or unknown function), which we may denote by y(t).

III. The derivatives of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable.

Formally, an ODE can be written as


where y(n)(t) denotes the n-th derivative of y with respect to t. The integer n is called the order of the ODE.

The term ordinary differentiates it from a partial differential equation (PDE), in which derivatives with respect to multiple independent variables can appear.

Classification and Terminology

A (single) ODE is linear if it can be expressed in the form


where a0(t),,an(t) and g(t) are functions of t only (i.e., do not depend on y or its derivatives). If any product of the dependent variable and/or its derivatives or any power other than 1 of y or its derivatives appears, then the ODE is nonlinear.

Understanding Differential Equations

Differential equations capture the relationship between a function (representing a quantity of interest) and its rates of change. These arise naturally in numerous domains:

Initial Conditions and Boundary Conditions

To find a unique solution, one often needs:

The combination of a differential equation and enough conditions to fix a unique solution is called an initial value problem (IVP) or boundary value problem (BVP), depending on whether the conditions are specified at a single point (IVP) or at different points (BVP).

Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions

A crucial theoretical aspect of ODEs is ensuring whether a solution to a given IVP exists and whether it is unique. One fundamental result for first-order ODEs is the Picard–Lindelöf theorem (also known as the Existence and Uniqueness Theorem), which states that if:

I. f(t,y) is continuous in a region around (t0,y0),

II. f satisfies a Lipschitz condition in y (i.e., there exists a constant L such that


for all y1,y2 in that region), then there exists a time interval (t0δ,t0+δ) on which there is a unique solution y(t) satisfying y(t0)=y0.

Main Concepts in Ordinary Differential Equations

We revisit the key concepts with further mathematical detail:


If an ODE contains derivatives up to the n-th derivative, it is called an n-th order ODE. For example:


The degree is determined by writing the ODE in polynomial form in its highest-order derivative. For example, the ODE

(y)2+(y)3+y=0 is not in polynomial form due to the squared second derivative and cubed first derivative. However, if we could (somehow) algebraically solve for the highest-order derivative and rewrite it linearly or as a polynomial expression without fractional exponents, then the exponent of that highest-order derivative would tell us the degree. Many ODEs (especially linear ones) are understood in simpler terms: the degree is typically 1 for linear ODEs.


A linear ODE of order n has the form


where each ak(t) (for k=0,1,,n) and g(t) depend only on t. No products like (y)2 or yy occur, nor do terms such as sin(y). If such terms do occur, the ODE is nonlinear.


an(t)y(n)+an1(t)y(n1)++a1(t)y+a0(t)y=0. - It is nonhomogeneous (or inhomogeneous) if g(t)0.

Autonomous ODEs

Mathematical Forms of Ordinary Differential Equations

Below are some standard forms that frequently appear.

General First-Order ODE


First-Order Linear ODE


This is a subset of the above form but is special because its solution technique is well-known. A classic approach is the Integrating Factor method:

I. Multiply both sides by the integrating factor


II. Rewrite the left-hand side as the derivative of μ(t)y(t).

III. Integrate both sides w.r.t. t to solve for y(t).

Second-Order Linear ODE


Constant-Coefficient Case

When a and b are constants, the ODE


can be solved using:

I. Characteristic equation for the associated homogeneous part:


II. The solution of the homogeneous ODE depends on the discriminant Δ=a24b:

III. A particular solution yp(t) must be found (e.g., via the method of undetermined coefficients or variation of parameters) for the nonhomogeneous case.

IV. The general solution is y(t)=yh(t)+yp(t).

Autonomous ODE


Analyzing equilibrium (steady-state) solutions where f(y)=0 is a powerful tool for studying the long-term behavior (qualitative analysis).

Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

General Remarks

A solution to an ODE on an interval I is a function y(t) that:

I. Is differentiable up to the required order on I.

II. Substitutes into the ODE to satisfy it identically for all tI.

General vs. Particular Solutions

Classic Examples

I. First-Order Linear with Constant Coefficient


Integrating both sides:


If y(t0)=y0, then C1=y0eat0.

II. Second-Order Homogeneous with Constant Coefficients

y+ay+by=0. The characteristic equation is r2+ar+b=0. Let Δ=a24b. - If Δ>0 with roots r1,r2, the general solution is

y(t)=C1er1t+C2er2t. - If Δ=0 with repeated root r, the general solution is

y(t)=(C1+C2t)ert. - If Δ<0 with complex roots α±iβ, the general solution is


III. Second-Order Nonhomogeneous with Constant Coefficients


One finds the general solution as

y(t)=yh(t)+yp(t), where yh(t) is the general solution of the homogeneous equation, and yp(t) is any particular solution of the original nonhomogeneous equation.

Examples of Ordinary Differential Equations

I. Newton’s Second Law of Motion

Often written as F=ma. Since a=d2xdt2,


This is a second-order ODE. If F depends only on x and t (and possibly v=x), it may be nonlinear or linear (if F is linear in x, x, etc.).

II. Population Dynamics

The logistic model:

dPdt=rP(1PK), is a first-order nonlinear autonomous ODE describing population growth with a carrying capacity K.

III. RC Circuit (First-Order Linear ODE)

Consider a resistor R in series with a capacitor C. The voltage VC(t) across the capacitor satisfies:




This is a first-order linear ODE.


ODEs are ubiquitous in mathematical modeling across disciplines:

Limitations and Complexities

Table of Contents

    Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
    1. Classification and Terminology
    2. Understanding Differential Equations
      1. Initial Conditions and Boundary Conditions
      2. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions
    3. Main Concepts in Ordinary Differential Equations
      1. Order
      2. Degree
      3. Linearity
      4. Homogeneity
      5. Autonomous ODEs
    4. Mathematical Forms of Ordinary Differential Equations
      1. General First-Order ODE
      2. First-Order Linear ODE
      3. Second-Order Linear ODE
      4. Constant-Coefficient Case
      5. Autonomous ODE
    5. Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations
      1. General Remarks
      2. General vs. Particular Solutions
    6. Classic Examples
    7. Examples of Ordinary Differential Equations
    8. Applications
    9. Limitations and Complexities