
Css Frameworks 🇺🇸

CSS preprocessors and frameworks are two important tools in a web developer's toolbox that can help streamline the process of building websites. CSS preprocessors allow developers to use new functionality that is typically borrowed from another programming language, while frameworks provide pre-writ...

Protocols 🇺🇸

It's important for frontend developers to really grasp how network protocols work. These protocols control how data moves across networks, making sure the frontend and backend communicate smoothly. It's not enough to just know the names and basic functions of these protocols — developers need to und...

Dokumentacja 🇵🇱

Dokumentacja jest istotnym elementem każdego projektu programistycznego. Umożliwia użytkownikom zrozumienie, jak działa aplikacja, jak jest zbudowana, oraz jakie funkcje oferuje. Odpowiednio przygotowana dokumentacja pomaga również innym programistom w szybkim zrozumieniu kodu, ułatwiając jego dalsz...

Moduly i Pakiety 🇵🇱

W Pythonie moduły i pakiety są elementami umożliwiającymi organizację i strukturyzację kodu. Dzięki nim programy stają się bardziej czytelne, łatwiejsze w utrzymaniu i skalowalne. Ułatwiają one zarządzanie dużymi projektami oraz współpracę z innymi programistami. Zrozumienie tych elementów jest niez...

Css 🇺🇸

You can add CSS to your HTML documents in three primary ways...

Partitions 🇺🇸

Partitioning a disk involves dividing a physical storage device into separate, manageable sections called partitions. Each partition functions as an independent disk within the operating system, allowing for better organization, multi-boot setups, or separation of system files from user data. The tw...

Html 🇺🇸

The HTML document structure provides a standardized way to structure content on the web. Adhering to this structure ensures browser compatibility and proper rendering of web pages...

Javascript 🇺🇸

JavaScript is a programming language that is primarily used for client-side scripting (making web pages interactive). Since NodeJS we can also use JavaScript in server-side scripting (e.g. for APIs). ...

Custom Filters and Algorithms 🇺🇸

Creating custom filters and algorithms in the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) opens up a world of possibilities for tailored data processing and visualization. By extending VTK's capabilities, you can implement specialized techniques that meet the unique needs of your projects, whether it's for scientif...

Multithreading 🇺🇸

Multithreading refers to the capability of a CPU, or a single core within a multi-core processor, to execute multiple threads concurrently. A thread is the smallest unit of processing that can be scheduled by an operating system. In a multithreaded environment, a program, or process, can perform mul...

Nfs 🇺🇸

NFS, or Network File System, is a protocol that allows different computers to share files over a network as if they were on the local machine. This means you can access files on another computer just like you would access files on your own, making collaboration and resource sharing much easier. NFS ...

Project Structure 🇺🇸

A well-organized project structure is fundamental to the success of any software development project. It ensures that the code remains maintainable, scalable, and understandable, especially as the project grows in complexity and size. Adapting the structure based on the project's needs is essential ...

Ui 🇺🇸

UI components are fundamental building blocks of an interface. Picking the right component for a specific function or interaction can significantly improve the user experience...

Ux 🇺🇸

UX, or User Experience, is all about creating experiences that put the user first. It means designing products or services that cater to what users need, what they like, and how they behave, making sure the experience is smooth and enjoyable...

Javascript Frameworks 🇺🇸

A software framework is a pre-written app skeleton on which you may further develop. It is a collection of files and folders to which you may modify as well as add your files and folders. A framework addresses following development issues...

Managing Users 🇺🇸

In Linux, user management is a crucial aspect of system administration. A user is essentially an entity that can log into the computer system and perform tasks based on the permissions granted to them. The Linux operating system stores user-related information in a couple of key files: /etc/passwd a...

Ports 🇺🇸

In computer networking, ports serve as endpoints for communication between devices, similar to doors through which data flows in and out of a computer. In today's interconnected digital landscape, network security is paramount. Network ports are critical points that require diligent management and s...

Cron Jobs 🇺🇸

Cron is a powerful utility in Unix-like operating systems that automates the execution of scripts or commands at specified times, dates, or intervals. It's an essential tool for system administrators and users alike, facilitating tasks such as system maintenance, backups, updates, and more...

Logical Volume Management 🇺🇸

Think of data storage devices, such as DVDs, USB flash drives, and hard drives (HDDs or SSDs), as an entire cake. This cake can be cut into smaller slices or 'partitions'. These partitions are essentially divisions or sections within the storage device, helping to categorize or organize the storage ...

Sed and Awk 🇺🇸

sed (Stream Editor) and awk are powerful command-line utilities that originated from Unix and have become indispensable tools in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. They are designed for processing and transforming text, allowing users to perform complex text manipulations with s...

Services 🇺🇸

A service in computing is a background process that performs specific tasks or offers various functionalities to other programs. These services typically communicate using methods such as sockets or inter-process communication (IPC). The primary purposes of a service include...

Ssh and Scp 🇺🇸

SSH, SFTP, and SCP are network protocols that provide secure data communication and file transfer over insecure networks. Here's a brief overview of each...

Enviroment Modules 🇺🇸

Environment Modules is a powerful and flexible tool that enables dynamic modification of a user's environment via modulefiles. Each modulefile contains the information necessary to configure the shell for a specific application or version, allowing users to seamlessly switch between different softwa...

Permissions 🇺🇸

File permissions are crucial in any Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, which employ several mechanisms for controlling access to files and directories. These mechanisms include standard permissions, special permissions, and access control lists (ACLs)...

Dwm 🇺🇸

The Dynamic Window Manager (DWM) is a minimal, lightweight, and highly efficient tiling window manager designed to help you manage application windows in a clean and distraction-free manner. Instead of overlapping windows as seen in traditional window managers, DWM organizes windows in a tiled layou...

System Startup 🇺🇸

What happens between the time you push the power button and the time you see the login prompt...

Hosting Websites 🇺🇸

So, you've built your website, but it's still confined to your local machine? Web hosting is the bridge that makes your site accessible to the world. Here's a guide on how to get your website live...

Kod Bajtowy 🇵🇱

Kod bajtowy (ang. bytecode) w Pythonie to pośrednia, niskopoziomowa reprezentacja kodu źródłowego, która jest zrozumiała dla wirtualnej maszyny Pythona (Python Virtual Machine, PVM). Kiedy uruchamiamy skrypt Pythona, interpreter nie wykonuje bezpośrednio kodu źródłowego; zamiast tego, najpierw kompi...

Pliki Wykonywalne i Pyinstaller 🇵🇱

Tworzenie plików wykonywalnych z kodu Python to skuteczny sposób na dostarczenie aplikacji użytkownikom, którzy nie mają zainstalowanego interpretera Pythona na swoim komputerze. Jest to szczególnie przydatne w środowiskach korporacyjnych oraz wśród użytkowników niezwiązanych z programowaniem, gdzie...

Basic Concepts 🇺🇸

Data structures and algorithms are foundational concepts in computer science, playing an essential role in designing efficient software. A data structure defines how we store and organize data on a computer, while an algorithm delineates a step-by-step procedure to perform a task or solve a problem...

Mpi 🇺🇸

The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a standardized and portable message-passing system designed to function on a wide variety of parallel computing architectures. It provides a set of library routines that can be called from programming languages like C, C++, and Fortran to write parallel applica...

Geometric Probability 🇺🇸

Geometric probability is a fascinating branch of probability theory where outcomes are associated with geometric figures and their measures—such as lengths, areas, and volumes—rather than discrete numerical outcomes. It often deals with continuous random variables and employs integral calculus to ca...

Szablony 🇵🇱

Szablony (ang. templates) stanowią fundament nowoczesnego programowania w języku C++. Umożliwiają one tworzenie kodu generycznego, który może działać z różnymi typami danych bez konieczności jego duplikacji. Szablony są kluczowym elementem metaprogramowania w C++, pozwalając na wykonywanie obliczeń ...

Operacje Bitowe 🇵🇱

Operacje bitowe umożliwiają manipulację poszczególnymi bitami w liczbie. Są one niezbędne w wielu niskopoziomowych zadaniach programistycznych, takich jak prace z rejestrami, komunikacja sprzętowa czy optymalizacje. W językach C i C++ dostępne są następujące operacje bitowe...

Programowanie Obietkowe 🇵🇱

Programowanie obiektowe to paradygmat programowania, w którym skomplikowane problemy są dzielone na mniejsze części poprzez definiowanie obiektów. Każdy obiekt reprezentuje jakąś część problemu i zawiera dane oraz funkcje, które na nich operują. Oto kilka kluczowych pojęć związanych z programowaniem...