
Normal Distribution 馃嚭馃嚫

A continuous random variable X follows a normal distribution, denoted as $X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\,\sigma^{2})$. The normal distribution is characterized by its bell shape and symmetry. The majority of the values are concentrated around the mean, and there are no extreme values. It can be viewed as ...

Log Normal Distribution 馃嚭馃嚫

A continuous random variable X follows a log-normal distribution if its natural logarithm is normally distributed. The log-normal distribution is useful in modeling continuous random variables that are constrained to be positive. It is denoted as $X \sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu, \sigma^2)$, where $\mu...

Central Limit Theorem 馃嚭馃嚫

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is a fundamental concept in statistics, explaining why the distribution of sample means approximates a normal distribution, often known as the bell curve, as the sample size becomes larger, irrespective of the population's original distribution...

Normal Curve and z Score 馃嚭馃嚫

A normal distribution (often referred to as the normal curve or Gaussian distribution) is a continuous probability distribution that is symmetric about the mean, where most of the observations cluster around the central peak and taper off symmetrically towards both ends. Many real-world datasets suc...

Multiple Regression 馃嚭馃嚫

Multiple linear regression is a statistical technique used to model the relationship between a single dependent variable and two or more independent variables. It extends the concept of simple linear regression by incorporating multiple predictors to explain the variability in the dependent variable...

Covariance 馃嚭馃嚫

Covariance is a fundamental statistical measure that quantifies the degree to which two random variables change together. It indicates the direction of the linear relationship between variables...

Simple Linear Regression 馃嚭馃嚫

Simple linear regression is a fundamental statistical method used to model the relationship between a single dependent variable and one independent variable. It aims to find the best-fitting straight line through the data points, which can be used to predict the dependent variable based on the indep...

Introduction to Statistics 馃嚭馃嚫

Statistics is an empirical science, focusing on data-driven insights for real-world applications. This guide offers a concise exploration of statistical fundamentals, aimed at providing practical knowledge for data analysis and interpretation...

Bayesian vs Frequentist 馃嚭馃嚫

Bayesian and frequentist statistics are two distinct approaches to statistical inference. Both approaches aim to make inferences about an underlying population based on sample data. However, the way they interpret probability and handle uncertainty is fundamentally different...

Probability Tree 馃嚭馃嚫

Probability trees are a visual representation of all possible outcomes of a probabilistic experiment and the paths leading to these outcomes. They are especially helpful in understanding sequences of events, particularly when these events are conditional on previous outcomes...

Paradygmaty Programowania 馃嚨馃嚤

Paradygmat w programowaniu to nie tylko spos贸b my艣lenia o tworzeniu program贸w, ale tak偶e zestaw koncept贸w i technik, kt贸re kieruj膮 projektowaniem i strukturyzacj膮 oprogramowania. Te filozofie wp艂ywaj膮 na to, jak programi艣ci definiuj膮 problemy oraz jak podejmuj膮 decyzje o sposobie ich rozwi膮zania. Ch...

Sorting 馃嚭馃嚫

In the realm of computer science, 'sorting' refers to the process of arranging a collection of items in a specific, predetermined order. This order is based on certain criteria that are defined beforehand...

Bazy Danych z Sqlite 馃嚨馃嚤

Na rynku dost臋pnych jest wiele r贸偶norodnych system贸w zarz膮dzania bazami danych (DBMS). Ka偶dy z nich posiada specyficzne wady i zalety. Jednym z popularnych, lekkich DBMS jest SQLite. Kluczowe cechy SQLite to...

Http i Prosty Serwer 馃嚨馃嚤

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to protok贸艂 warstwy aplikacji w modelu OSI, u偶ywany g艂贸wnie do przesy艂ania danych mi臋dzy klientem (zwykle przegl膮dark膮 internetow膮) a serwerem. Protok贸艂 ten opiera si臋 na modelu 偶膮danie-odpowied藕, gdzie klient wysy艂a zapytanie HTTP, a serwer zwraca odpowied藕. HTTP ...

Wprowadzenie do Kursu 馃嚨馃嚤

G艂贸wnym celem tego kursu jest zapoznanie uczestnik贸w z j臋zykiem programowania Python - od podstaw po bardziej zaawansowane zagadnienia. Kurs zosta艂 zaprojektowany tak, aby uczestnik m贸g艂 p艂ynnie przechodzi膰 przez kolejne etapy nauki, jednocze艣nie zdobywaj膮c praktyczne umiej臋tno艣ci...

Programowanie Wstep 馃嚨馃嚤

Program to precyzyjnie sformu艂owany zestaw instrukcji lub polece艅, kt贸re komputer wykonuje w celu rozwi膮zania konkretnego problemu lub realizacji okre艣lonego zadania. Instrukcje te s膮 napisane w j臋zyku programowania, kt贸ry jest zrozumia艂y dla programist贸w i mo偶e by膰 przetworzony na j臋zyk zrozumia艂y ...

Inspekcja Kodu 馃嚨馃嚤

Inspekcja kodu, znana r贸wnie偶 jako recenzja kodu lub z angielskiego "Code Review", to proces systematycznej oceny kodu 藕r贸d艂owego przez jednego lub wi臋cej programist贸w, kt贸rzy nie s膮 jego autorami. Stanowi ona kluczowy element cyklu 偶ycia oprogramowania, maj膮cy na celu popraw臋 jako艣ci kodu, wykrycie...

Debugowanie 馃嚨馃嚤

Debugowanie to fundamentalny proces w tworzeniu oprogramowania, polegaj膮cy na identyfikowaniu, analizowaniu i usuwaniu b艂臋d贸w (bug贸w) w kodzie 藕r贸d艂owym programu. B艂臋dy te mog膮 prowadzi膰 do nieprawid艂owego dzia艂ania aplikacji, awarii systemu lub nieoczekiwanych rezultat贸w. Debugowanie umo偶liwia prog...

Metrics 馃嚭馃嚫

Evaluation metrics are essential tools for assessing the performance of statistical and machine learning models. They provide quantitative measures that help us understand how well a model is performing and where improvements can be made. In both classification and regression tasks, selecting approp...

Proces Kompilacji 馃嚨馃嚤

Proces kompilacji to z艂o偶ony ci膮g etap贸w, kt贸ry przekszta艂ca kod 藕r贸d艂owy napisany w j臋zyku wysokiego poziomu na kod maszynowy zrozumia艂y dla procesora. Kompilacja zapewnia, 偶e kod jest poprawny pod wzgl臋dem sk艂adniowym i semantycznym, a tak偶e optymalizuje go pod k膮tem wydajno艣ci. Poni偶ej szczeg贸艂ow...

Konwersje 馃嚨馃嚤

Konwersje typ贸w danych s膮 kluczowym elementem programowania zar贸wno w j臋zyku C, jak i C++. Pozwalaj膮 na przekszta艂canie warto艣ci jednego typu na inny, co jest niezb臋dne w wielu sytuacjach, takich jak operacje arytmetyczne mi臋dzy r贸偶nymi typami, interakcja z funkcjami bibliotecznymi czy manipulacja d...

Preprocesor 馃嚨馃嚤

Preprocesor to specjalne narz臋dzie, kt贸re dzia艂a na kodzie 藕r贸d艂owym przed w艂a艣ciwym procesem kompilacji. W kontek艣cie j臋zyk贸w programowania takich jak C i C++, preprocesor jest integraln膮 cz臋艣ci膮 kompilatora, kt贸ra przekszta艂ca kod 藕r贸d艂owy na podstawie specjalnych dyrektyw. Dyrektywy preprocesora ...

Zaawansowane Wskazniki 馃嚨馃嚤

Wska藕niki w C++ nie s艂u偶膮 jedynie do przechowywania adres贸w zmiennych czy obiekt贸w. S膮 one znacznie bardziej wszechstronne i umo偶liwiaj膮 wska藕nikom na funkcje, metody klasy czy sk艂adowe klas...

Wyjatki 馃嚨馃嚤

W programowaniu, wyj膮tki s艂u偶膮 jako mechanizm do sygnalizowania i obs艂ugi nieoczekiwanych sytuacji, kt贸re mog膮 wyst膮pi膰 podczas dzia艂ania programu. Cho膰 wyj膮tki cz臋sto s膮 u偶ywane w odpowiedzi na b艂臋dy, nie ka偶dy wyj膮tek musi wynika膰 z b艂臋du. Wyj膮tek mo偶e by膰 r贸wnie偶 艣rodkiem do poinformowania innych...

Anomaly Detection 馃嚭馃嚫

Anomaly detection involves identifying data points that significantly differ from the majority of the data, often signaling unusual or suspicious activities. This technique is widely used across various domains, such as fraud detection, manufacturing, and system monitoring...

Autocovariance Function 馃嚭馃嚫

Autocovariance functions describe how values of a time series relate to their lagged counterparts, measuring the joint variability between a series at time $t$ and its value at a previous time $t-k$ (where $k$ is the lag). In autoregressive models, these relationships are expressed through coefficie...

Series 馃嚭馃嚫

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers that can be viewed as a function mapping each natural number $n$ to a specific value $a_n$. More formally, a sequence ${a_n}$ is a function whose domain is the set of natural numbers, and the values are called the terms of the sequence...

Difference Equations 馃嚭馃嚫

A difference equation (also known as a recurrence relation) defines each term of a sequence based on previous terms. In some cases, the general term of a sequence is given explicitly (e.g., $a_n = 3n + 2$, resulting in the sequence $5, 8, 11, \dots$). However, more commonly, a difference equation pr...

Yule Walker Equations 馃嚭馃嚫

The Yule-Walker equations are a set of linear equations that relate the autocorrelations of an autoregressive (AR) process to its parameters. These equations are crucial for estimating the parameters of AR models and for understanding the autocorrelation structure of the process...

Random Walk 馃嚭馃嚫

The random walk is a fundamental and widely used time series model, often applied in finance to represent stock prices and other economic indicators. The idea behind the random walk is that the value of the process at time $t$ is the sum of its value at time $t-1$ and a random shock (or noise). Esse...

Backward Shift Operator 馃嚭馃嚫

The backward shift operator (denoted by $B$) is a powerful tool in time series analysis, used to simplify the notation and manipulation of time series models. The operator shifts the time index of a time series back by one period, making it useful in autoregressive, moving average, and mixed models...

Invertibility 馃嚭馃嚫

In time series modeling, invertibility is the property of a model that allows the innovation process (also called the noise or disturbance process) to be expressed as a function of the observed series and its past values. This is particularly relevant for Moving Average (MA) models...

Logistic Regression 馃嚭馃嚫

Logistic regression is a statistical method used for modeling the probability of a binary outcome based on one or more predictor variables. It is widely used in various fields such as medicine, social sciences, and machine learning for classification problems where the dependent variable is dichotom...

Correlation 馃嚭馃嚫

Correlation is a statistical measure that quantifies the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. It is a fundamental concept in statistics, enabling researchers and analysts to understand how one variable may predict or relate to another. The most commonly used corre...

Conditional Probability 馃嚭馃嚫

Conditional Probability is the likelihood of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. It is denoted as $P(A|B)$, representing the probability of event $A$ happening, assuming event $B$ has already taken place. This concept is crucial in understanding dependent events in prob...